The Borderline Cheeseburger’s addicted to pickling


I’m eating frozen grapes. I have a sore tooth so they are doing marvellous things to that. I love frozen grapes, they are frozen and yet mildly soft. Mmm.

Also they can just sit on the table and they won’t melt! Awesome thing that is.

I think I hurt my tooth flossing. I hate flossing. It makes my teeth move around like they did when I would wear my plate (retainer?) after not having worn it for a while. And that’s a really unpleasant feeling.

There have been multiple ladybugs in this apartment today. Jake was highly intrigued by the way the bugs just happily sat on my hand until we were outside and they had a place to walk onto. I love ladybugs, they are the easiest thing to get out of the house because I only need one hand to carry them to the door! Getting moths and such out is a lot more difficult, especially when home alone.

I wanted my title tonight to be "Borderline cheeseburger with an addiction to pickling" but it was 3 characters too long. Very sad. I asked Jake if he was a borderline cheeseburger, which he agreed to and then asked what it meant. Of course, he is very close to being a cheeseburger. I wish I remembered why the pickling addiction, all I know is after that comment there was something about how it is a good thing he is not a fully fledged cheeseburger because then if someone encountered him pickling things they would be all "score! cheeseburger AND a pickle!?" and eat it all up. And that would be sad.

I turned off the swearing censor for this diary. I love that option. I love how many people today just wanted notes with swearwords in it. Was so fun.

I’ve been in an organisational mood today. I was trying to make sense of my photobucket today, and now I think I need to get back to fixing up the old entries on my survey diary. They are all kinds of fonts and colours and it is just… not sitting right with me anymore.

Hope you are all doing well!

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October 20, 2009

frozen grapes are so yummy!

October 20, 2009

I like frozen grapes, blueberries, and pudding!

i don’t really like grapes normally, but maybe i’d like them better frozen! hmm. we have a ladybug infestation here, too. i don’t mind a few, but it’s actually kind of icky.

October 20, 2009

Mmm grapes. Mmm cheese burger.

I’ve never frozen grapes. Now I want to try that! *

October 21, 2009

So I can say shit in a note to you now?

October 21, 2009


October 21, 2009

If your toothache continues you will have to find a dentist methinks. I am not going to swear now.

October 21, 2009

Bring your organisational mood to my craft room at once! ;op You could have done “Borderline cheeseburger w/an addiction to pickling” and it would fit! Also, I keep meaning to try the frozen grape thing, as I have never, and I keep forgetting to do so. D’oh!~jo