Sweat is like gravy to a hungry wolf.
I am very …able to smell bad smells right now. Lovely smells, like my freshly washed hair, I can’t smell. But the hamper in the other room with our dirty (yet not overly sweat-soaked or anything… just regular clothes that have been worn calmly) clothes… terrible strong gross smell. Silly nose.
This weekend has been… both exhausting and lazy.
Saturday we left early in the morning. We had to go to the gas station for things. Went to Shell to pump up the front tires. After my telling Jake repeatedly what my plan was (go to shell to pump the tires, then go to Pete’s for gas and coolant) once we are at Shell he tells me there is a tire pump at Pete’s. And as it turns out, the one at Shell didn’t work anyway. So that was irritating. Then Pete’s was confusing because loads of people wanted to get gas at the same time, and we had to drive around a lot for… I can’t even remember what reason. I just know we ended up entering and leaving at least twice. I was completely and totally stressed out from confusion and such so I just let Jake take charge and I fought off tears. I just hate hate hate not knowing how to do stuff, and having the front tires rather flat was freaky as well because the car was driving so rough and… well I put off going and getting that fixed for 2 weeks because I just couldn’t handle thinking about it, let alone actually doing something about it. That’s how I ended up with two surnames (the thing saying I had my conditional green card came, it had a mistake in my name, I had 90 days to tell them, I procrastinated too long…)
Once all that fun was done, we went to Walt’s so Jake could get a shave and a haircut. We waited there for at least an hour, possibly 90 minutes. Jake had 2 cups of coffee, I was just starving and exhausted and fighting sleep while waiting in the full waiting area. The only entertainment there is Fox News on the tv, so that’s always fun.
Next stop was Kmart, where we found new sheets (Jake’s toenails have decimated both sets we had) and I got a cute sweater. It is pinkish-purple and has massive buttons. We spent ages looking around trying to find the men’s thermal tops, and they were nowhere. So we gave up and went to pay. Which was when we spotted them, right at the front of the store. We didn’t see them when we entered because there was a worker standing right in front of them in flannel pjs trying to get people to sign up for the rewards program or whatever. So we were distracted, and they always lost out on a few of our dollars.
And then we went to Stop & Shop and completely restocked the kitchen and spent a LOT of money. But there was not one thing that was snacks or anything, so that’s pretty good I guess.
Today, I pretty much spent the entire day at teh computer. Jake watched football-related programming all day, so I didn’t have much else to do. I could have read or done killer sudoku or something, but I’m not good at those things when there is loud noises going on, such as tv (and Jake getting excited when he watches the football). At one point we went to the store next door so Jake could get some chili in a can and I could get an apple.
Jake watched tv from 10 to… 6. The Bears lost but then there was dinner. I am so sick of the sportscasters voices now. I’m glad it will be a week or so before I have to hear more of that.
Now he’s watching the office, and it’s distracting… as are ads (like the one my title is from)
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Know what’s cheaper than new sheets? A toenail clipper! ;op I kid! I kid! I procrastinate too. Not on everything, but on a lot of stuff. It sucks. :o( ~jo
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I am a procrastinator too… I sorry you felt stressed but let me assure you that I still count you as one of the bravest people I have ever known, so don’t beat yourself up, we are all frustrated when we are unsure of ourselves but you always seem to bravely and surely get through the real tough stuff. Love you
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