Survey, about this OD, hence why its not in cheese

Enjoy a RARE survey.


1. What’s your primary reason for having this OD? So I can remember my life. Without it, I wouldn’t have a clue what I did and what I felt last week… or yesterday probably.

2. Do you have a certain routine when you log onto OD? notes, reply (cept I don’t do that much, coz I suck), favs, write an entree if it is nighttime. Then do the same with Cheesy.

3. Do you take pride in your front page? It has brainmates, and socks, and a Simpsons quote generator… so yes! It has all my favourite things!

4. Do you have a certain layout you use for entries? layout? Ugh I hate those things, the little boxes that people write in and you can’t read it coz its such a small window? ugh.

5. Are you currently blocked from reading someone’s diary or blocking someone from reading your diary? I am blocked from someone’s, but I don’t know who they are (other than a fav of squids, thats how I know, i check his faves when I get bored!) and no one is blocked from me.

6. What is the title of your first entry, what was it about, and when did you post it? my original first entree, which is not the first one anymore (oooh i edited it!) was "Blargy-blarg-blarg-blarg" back in feb 23 04. and it was about inability to eat without stomach pain. ooh thats been a long running thing..

7. What is the title of your last entry, what was it about, and when did you post it? "Rats tails – but not Ben" posted last night. twas about Carli’s 21st (holy shite, I’ve known her since we were 9)

8. Not including this one, how many entries do you have (public/private/favorites only)? once this is posted… I will have 859 entrees in Sez (cheesy has 825 surveys :O )

9. What do you consider most of your entries as (day-to-day accounts, surveys, recipes, lyrics, poetry, writing exercises, etc)? This is just me writing. It holds stories and poetry WAAAY back at the beginning of it, but now its all just what I do with my life.

10. Have you ever gone back and edited an entry, after already posting it? If so, why? Many many times. Because I remember something that I didn’t include, or I found a spelling mistake.

11. As of today, how many days do you have left in your subscription and when does it expire? hehe I have 359 days left.

12. Will you be re-subscribing after it ends? Why or why not? Yeah prolly. I like no ads.

13. How many notes do you have (average per entry)? 3341 notes. That is average of 4 an entree.

14. Who left the first and the last note on your diary? last: nurse(vee) being uber helpful with knowledge of visa-ness things. First note was… apparently it was Janna! oooh my darling SNC buddy, how I ub thee.

15. How many notes did you get on your very first and last entries? what kind of ass-basket are you?! ok…one on my first entree, that didn’t get there until about a year ago. Most recent entree: 10 norts.

16. Does anyone from your very first entry still note you (has at least left one note within the last seven entries)? Janna: yes. Theremustbebetter: he sometimes notes, but he rarely updates, so ya. he’s cool, he sent me a pic of a hat that said HOJ hehehee

17. How many notes have you left? i have no clue.

18. Who was the first person you noted, and the last person you noted? first ever would probably have been either alien-youth, or tiamatsdaydream. both of who i still read.

19. Have you been involved in any flame wars? psht, me? no. im too nice 😀

20. Do you ever delete notes? If so, why? I only delete the occasional unsigned note that says something like "bullshit you’re 21, you write like a 10 year old" …not that I have a problem with being called a kid, its just the way they do it.

21. Which OD members have you had outside-of-OD contact (in person meeting, on the phone, mail, IMs, emails, etc)? My Jakey <3, Ellen and Jenn both have ODs, as did Cam for a short while, Candice does too, and Socki, I met her once. emails and such: Janna, Amrai, Toni (my darling bulgarian sister) and a few other peoples. mmm od family.

22. Who from OD would you like to meet face-to-face? JANNA!!!!! I’m SO meeting her once I move to the states. I’ll FORCE Jake to take me to her if I have to. Oh yeah. THat day shall rocketh.

23. Is there ONE diarist (who you have not had outside contact with) you read, that makes you feel like you know them? Most people. The ones that are open anyways. The people that are all guarded and such, I don’t feel I know them.

24. Recommend ONE diarist for others to check out. squidobarnez, DUH. Despite the fact I love him so, he’s highly awesome to read. Like this entree, cracks me up, and has great memories (first entree of his I read!) I would also recommend Cheesy, as she has lots of surveys. And is me.

25. How many diarists are on your favorites list? 71.

26. Who on your favorite’s list last updated, and who updated the longest ago? squidobarnez!!! and the oldest was… discombobulated ben, he hasn’t updated in… a year and a half. But I keep him there just in case he does.

27. As far as you can tell, how many favorites lists are you on? 30?

28. If you post to any diary circles, which one did you last post to and what was the entry called?

29. How many entries so far have been "theme" entries? umm… I did one entree that had about 15 themes in it. So… about 3 theme entrees?

30. Would you mind being nominated for Reader’s Choice? Why or why not? It wouldn’t fuss me either way.

31. What are the + and – of OD when compared to FOD or other online journal sites? Od is much more easy to get around, and to do things and make things look pretty. MUch better than LJ in that respect. Od sucks that it has downtime so much. But eh. I loves my OD *huggles the diary*

32. Would you ever recommend this site, or as a gift, pay $12 for someone else to post here? Why or why not? If I could, I would buy someone a gift subscription. And I highly recommend this site, coz it rocks arse!

33. What is the best and worst thing about journaling online? best: people can know what I’m thinking without my having to tell them to their face. worst: sometimes I can’t write EVERYTHING, or if I do, it can causes problems with friendies. But not anymore, coz I’m not in conflict with anyone anymore! woo for that!

Log in to write a note

That was a pretty cool survey; if I’d had the one diary for the… Almost 2 years i’ve been on OD, I could answer a few questions easier lol. I might still yoink it later though, after I go hunting through Cheesy. ryn: Don’t believe I’ve met Carli yet. Jenn said I’d probably want to hit her. :/ lol

January 21, 2006


January 22, 2006

HIYA! Gonna steal this survey! 🙂 *hugs*