Subcutaneous hardware
Leave me a note on this entry if you wish to sponsor me for the Alternathon as I raise money for make-a-wish.
Time: 8:30pm
Hours left: 12.5
I’m sorry if I scared you with that TERRIFYING RAT in the previous entry. Amrai was scared it was going to come and eat her, but really… I live above it. If it is going to eat anyone in their sleep, it will be me. Or Jake. He sleeps a few inches closer.
MY hands jsut typed ‘closer’ as ‘clothes’ and they just did it again. So if I have weird word substitutions, it just means I did not see them. I once called the post office a lollypop, so weird word substitutions are not a strange thing for me. I am going to be AWESOME FUN when I am old and going a little crazy.
I can’t type anymore.
I hate cilantro. All I can taste is cilantro. It is overpowering. It was in the salsa I had 5 hours ago? Or was it 6 hours ago? I forget.
I cannot hit backspace, it will erase everythign I have writte. So now you get to witness my real typign.
I have 3 egg yolks. What can I do with them??
Title: My husband has it! He is a cyborg. Literally.
This entry is messed up! I did not write it in this order!!!
ryn: hehe yeah lol lollypop post office. I should totally keep my mistakes in an entry and see what happens.
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RYN: Hehe, maybe I did. Sowwy!
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I hate cilantro too!!!! Blah, death to cilantro. I hate that soapy bull hockey.
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I don’t like cilantro either. Interesting genetics? Or nothing at all, and just random.
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my dad hates cilantro (and green bell peppers), but I love ’em both, so if it’s genetic maybe my momma gave me enjoyment genes. w00t for enjoyment genes! *LOVE*
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