Singing chickens, attack!!
We didn’t do much today. Kind of a relaxing day before tomorrow’s fun.
We went to the post office. There was a package of babylegs waiting for me. Which was awesome, because they never sent a shipping email so I had no clue it was going to be there! We were only there to put our mail on hold.
(My favourite are the ones just to the right of the alphabet. I will absolutely be stealing them for arm warmers at some point. So pretty!!)
On the way out of the post office, we ran into one of my old midwives (not the one who delivered miss Ashley) so that was kinda cool. Except that I completely blanked on her name so as we passed her I said "…you were my midwife". Very smart, Sez.
(I think this is hilarious.)
Ash had a bath, and then was being a naked poser on the bed so we had a mini photoshoot. Of course, the best photo was when she was climbing on me and my big naked leg is in the background. She splashes so much during bathtime that I have to wear just a shirt (I’d skip the shirt except she’d probably leap out of the water and latch on…).
After bath and a nap that always follows bath time, we went to the store-next-door to say goodbye to Lucille, who we refer to as Ashley’s "grocery grandma". While I was talking to her the guy who looks so familiar to me (and to Jake – Jake thinks he looks like the lovechild of Jake and his college roommate) joined in and he is freaky with how similar he is to other people. Jake thinks he doesn’t really exist, and that his name is a clue to that. His name being Tyler D.
(She climbed under there to get her fish, and got stuck for a while. That’s what happens when you are big!)
Tomorrow is going to be ridiculously busy and stressful, even before we leave. I have to make sure we have everything packed, I have to clean, I have to get to the bank… all these things that could have done much earlier if I actually had the time to (aka wasn’t constantly distracted by a baby) or if Jake did them.
Hopefully I will write before we leave tomorrow. Or I will write at the airport. Or both airports. Or all 3 locations… I don’t know what I’m going to do in Aus with a non-data-enabled phone… oh it will be so weird.
(Ignore Lisa posing weirdly, I forgot to crop her out. Ashley with Santa!!)
Adorable dress with Santa. And I love the pic where she’s stuck.
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Ashley looks like a licorice all-sort in that first pic
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Awww to the Santa pic! LOVE all the BabyLegs!!!!!!! Those are all so cute! I haven’t (surprisingly, considering my obsession!) seen a lot of those! The ones 3rd from the right are one of the first pairs I bought! Def do not put them in the dryer! They shrunk like crazy! (I didn’t read the washing instructions until AFTER – oops) So many well wishes!
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Safe travels Sez-pants! I’ve had an awesome day of awesome, starting with getting an expectedly awesome mark for my last subject of the semester, and then had coffee (it was a hot chocolate) with a girl from uni, and then had lunch and played cards with my grandparents *nods*
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RYN: of course I was being silly. I love the photos. Can’t wait to see some real-life Ashley (and Sez and Jake). You’re going to have to explain the Tyler D. thing to me – when you get here. Safe trip. *giant squeezy hugs*
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RYN: Oh no! I hope you feel better soon, and that you’re not sick while you’re traveling.
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Hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow. Safe travels!
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What are they some sort of socks!? Lee Mee xXx
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