Scarf the world with your scarf and it shall be wa

So, there’s this thing, right? And it does stuff. And is full of bananas. And it makes yummies, with the button-pushing assistance of a certain Sez-shaped creature. Possibly a Sez.

And there’s this game, and you mess with created people’s lives, and I started an asylum the other day because a favourite pointed me in the direction of such an idea. And it’s going WAY better than I expected. Including ninja-love.

Speaking of ninja….

Glennman’s "Hey, I’ve Got Nothing Better to Do" Survey

1.) What’s one subject or topic that you wish you knew more about? Everything. I love when people are talking about stuff and I understand. So even if I could get the very basics of everything, that would be good enough. Don’t know if it would improve my conversation skills or what. Or if that’s too vague, murderous history is always intriguing.

2.) What’s the best piece of mail you’ve received recently? I got my very first credit card offer thing, and they couldn’t even spell my surname right! That amused me. I don’t get much mail that is actually for me. It’s all in the name of Jake.

3.) If you were to lose the ability to see all colors but one — meaning that the rest of the world was in shades of gray, but one color could stand out in all its shades and variations — what color would you choose? Purple. It doesn’t have to be primary, does it? Coz I really want purple. Either that, or green. I don’t want pure primary.

4.) If you could make your own constellation, what shape would it take? Does candy have a shape?

5.) What are three foreign languages you wish you could speak? Would you rather be able to snap your fingers and know them instantly, or go through the process of learning them? Italian, Bulgarian and Spanish. I would love the snappy fingers insta-learn thanks, I’m not very good at memory and all that. i studied Italian for how many years and I hardly remember anything!

6.) When was the last time you felt genuine wonder? I’m not sure. It’s always pretty amazing when the fish dances to whatever music I have playing, but I don’t know if that fits as wonder…

7.) You are given the power to see the solution of one of history’s "unsolved mysteries." What secret would you choose to uncover? All I can think of is Roswell, because we watched a show about that today at midday-boring-tv-time.

8.) You meet someone who was unable to taste anything up until this point in time. What are the first three foods you would have them taste? Hawaiian pizza, bananas and vegemite.

9.) What’s your favorite way to spend an entire weekend? Doing whatever I want is always the best. A rare trip to the mall for a delicious burger and a movie is also good. I want a burger!!

10.) If you could have three words (adjectives, nouns, verbs, exclamations, whatever) become synonymous with your name and who you are, what three words would you choose? Candy, crazy, Sez. I want to be the ONLY Sez.

11.) What are three things about you that make you feel special? I have my brainmate. I am one of two aussies in this town. And… I am Sez. I rarely feel ‘special’.

12.) When you’re outside, do you prefer day or night? In either case, what usually catches your eye first? The sky, plants, animals, water, light, something else? Day. I’m afraid of the dark. The green-ness of everything always astounds me, it’s amazing what a little rain can do to brighten the world.

13.) You get to be a higher power, deity, or god for 13 and a half minutes. What would you do? Spread my message to the sanest, meanest people I can find. Then when everyone deems them crazy, they deserve it.

14.) What was the last situation in which you settled something by flipping a coin or doing rock-paper-scissors? I’m not sure if I have ever done that. If I have, it was at least a decade ago.

15.) If you appeared in an article on the cover of the Weekly World News, what sort of bizarre story would accompany your picture? Woman determined to be 70% sucrose!

16.) If the statement, ‘You are what you eat’ was true, I would be a _______. cookie. If I had my way, I’d be fairy  floss. I mean cotton candy. I mean fluffy pink sugar.

17.) If you had to join the circus, what would you join as? Contortionist. I’m halfway there, I’d just have to… work on my regular actions to make them even more contortiony.

18.) What’s your favorite axiom that you find to be true, despite its cliche status? I don’t know my words well enough to even know what an axiom is. And from the other answers I have read, I can’t think of any that they didn’t state. So I can’t really answer this. Oh yeah.

19.) What are three experiences you want to have in the next year? Move home. Get pregnant. Grow a beard.  I don’t know how likely any of those are…

20.) We’ve done lots of question-asking, but in your opinion, what is the most significant question? Depending on your answer to this, you may be able to answer these follow up questions: What is your answer? What do you want the answer to be if you ask it? What is your favourite radio station? Well Marge?


And that’s the end of that 🙂 Except it should be WARM. Silly 2 characters too little title length.

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I may steal this. Interesting questions!

silly sez. 🙂 Chris

July 16, 2008

Ooooh! A Squid and Sez baby!!!! Lee Mee xXx

Speaking of ninja? You mean me?

July 22, 2008

I actually started singing “Scarf the World” to the tune of ‘Heal The World’ in my head. I’m strange. … Scarf the woooooooorld…make it a better plaaaaaaace….for you and for me and for the entire thermal race!! — HELLO, FELLOW CONTORTIONIST. <3 I love your answer to #1. UBINGS!!! *butttt*

July 22, 2008


July 22, 2008