I’m drowning in glow sticks. In a good way. Jenn and I found these packets of 15 glowy bracelets for $2. Have to get more sometime. They be awesomeo.
So ya. Hung out with Jenn this afternoon. We went and found glow sticks (and $3 tim tams! mmmmmm caramel ones… sooo good!) and then went to another shopping place for shoppy type things. Jenn got her presents, then I got a lovely coffee smoothie type thing. MMMMM
Went to JB (hehehe its Jake but not) and got a present for someone, and saw Futurama box set that I so want. All 4 seasons in the one blob, for $150. I’m so getting at some point. Hopefully its cheeper by then. Jenn bought me a cd for christmas that is one I’ve wanted for ages, but refused to pay $30 for.
And then we went… NO FLAN! And I got some sugar-type things, and a pie for dinner. And a smiley biscuit for dessert. And coke, coz the coffee thing had worn off and I was starting to fall asleep again.
We went around looking at christmas lights that Jenn had heard of from some place on tv. They were pretty awesome. And we were all glowy as well, so that made me hyper. In the middle of all that, we went train stalking.
I want another of those coffee things.
Now I’m home. When I dropped Jenn off, she took many photos of the awesome lights that be us.
I am talking to a Natey on msn. He is amusing. I shall leave you with part of our convo. He is the male Sez. He really is.
Your Life Sucks? Do You Want Me To Call The Doctor So He Can Amputate The Suck Out Of It says: hey shiny sezzie
Sez says: hi orange
umm no its green with sauce on
why are you wearing sauce?
fell into a bowl before
LOL smart
no not really i know
its only on the shoulder though it aint that bad
well at least its not EVERYWHERE
then i’d have to point and laugh, like your picture dude, but with laughing
*edit* Jenn uploaded the glow-stick pics!
My wrist. Awesome eh? =D
I went *swirly* with my hand!
More shaking them around…
hehehehee SO AWESOME!!
And finally…
This is Hoj’s steering wheel. He being so awesome and shiny. So fun to drive with it like that, it’s distracting in a safe way… if that makes ANY sense!
*edit again*
A few things I forgot to mention earlier…
This morning I pulled the muscles that go on the outside part of the knee. Kind of made painless walking impossible. So that made today fun. Plus with all the other owwies that have just become part of my every day now.
Jenn "made" me get Limewire this evening. So now I’m finally listening to the Nickelback songs Jake has been raving about lately. Like "far away" and such. So ya. I understand the rave now.
My feet feel all crampy-ow. Too much walking today. Glad I don’t have to go out walking again tomorrow. I can just sleep in the afternoon, keep my body clock how it is. I’m so not on Australian time. Haven’t been most of this year. Next year, my body clock will me more correct.
I just copied 9 cds of songs onto the puter. And that’s just the music that was in the car! Cripes, to get all my music back is going to take A-G-E-S!
hehehehee mullets… "i just want you to know…." *grooves* good night! (or morning… its 2:30…) I’m off to write an email to the other half of my brain, then go lay in the dark of my room and play with shinies!
Glowstick awesomeness! Lianne Marie xXx
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RYN: I think that the power line poles of Adelaide may be insulted by your harsh comment! They really are! =P I like glow sticks, cept when they break and the goo goes in your eye… kinda hurts! =P Your poor knee… what other owwies do you have? and as for that link… well!! no body decides not to work for me! even a link… =P hope you had an awesome day! =)
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