Random list of facts coz I was bored. *edit of #4*
1. I’m addicted to socks. Stripey, toe socks, long socks, pretty patterns… I’ve got about 25 pairs, and that’s only a collection from this year.
2. Perfect gift for me: more socks. Even if they are socks I already have, I’d still love them coz socks get holes in them easily.
3. I hate people being late, I hate being late myself. Something I got from dad.
3.5. But I also hate being early, coz that means waiting around and I always feel really uncomfortable waiting.
4. Jenn is my best friend and I love her dearly. She is #4 because that is Beat It number on every cd… except the original cd that it was on. And she deserves this spot. =D
5. I’m almost always cold.
6. I love coffee milk. Like how you can buy chocolate milk from the supermarket? That, but coffee flavoured instead.
7. I’ve had pain in my right foot-bones for at least 2 weeks now, prolly about 3 or 4. I can walk fine, just can’t put anymore weight on it than walking does.
8. I’ve also got very sore upper arm on my right, can’t lift my arm properly coz its so owwie.
9. I’m very very much in love (duh) with my mutant-man named Squidy. He’s also a puppy.
10. I’m a Sez-kitty-monkey.
11. We won’t have to be apart after the end of March (assuming he gets here when I want him to so he can meet my Jenn)
12. I hate cold sores. They make people stare at me.
13. My parents have been married for 31 years. 10 years more than I have been alive.
14. My parents anniversary is the same date as Jake’s mum and stepdad. dec 7. That’s so amusingly cool.
15. I’m lame and find silly things to be rather cool.
16. I really don’t like shopping.
17. I could kick you in the head if I wanted to. No matter how tall you be.
18. I like shiny things.
19. I never write lists in order.
20. When I was born, I had dislocated hips.
21. I found Jake’s diary in September 2004. We met in person in September 2005. September 2006 should also be an awesomely special time.
22. I’m a very paranoid person.
23. I’m a monkey. I pick things up with my long dextrous toes, and (according to Jake) I eat like a monkey.
24. I keep bamming my knee on the corner of the desk. Done it 3 times in 3 days. It is owwie.
25. I walk into walls a lot, I hit things with my arms as I walk past a lot.
26. When I roll my shoulders, they grind and it gives me a headrush if i do it long enough. (~20 seconds)
27. I rarely shave my legs. No point if the only one who sees them is me, coz I always wear pants and on the rare occasion that a skirt appears on me, so do knee-high socks of stripey.
28. I’m a 6 year old in a 21 year olds body that has joints that sometimes thinks they are 50.
29. I love playgrounds. Especially the things that spin around REALLY FAST! Love love love them. When I was a child, I went on them so much I didn’t get dizzy from them.
30. When I was little, I would twist my hair so much it would fall out, so I was half bald, coz I would only do it on the left side. (still do, just don’t let the hair be pulled at all)
31. I’m addicted to Minesweeper. If I’ve ever been on your puter, chances are the high scores are in my name.
32. I was never the kind of girl who spent hours planning her wedding as a lil one.
33. The only thing that really would matter at all is when and that’s something I’ve wanted since finding who I want to marry.
34. Calling people on the phone scares me.
35. As does the dark.
36. And going places I don’t know. Especially alone.
37. Despite those fears (and many other stupid ones I have) I ignored them and went to America alone. Coz I told myself, even if I didn’t think I’d be able to cope with it, I was going anyways.
38. And it was the best time of my life!
39. I have never touched the handle of the door into our laundry (which you have to walk through to get to the toilet), I just walk into the door and it opens. Or I kick it.
40. Every 11 years, my birthday is on a Tuesday and is therefore the day of the Melbourne Cup, a big horse race that is also a public holiday. SCORE my bday is a day off. Next time that happens will be 2016.
41. I have tiny little arm muscles that when I flex they go *lil poke out* and it makes me go 😀 coz I have never had anything show up when I do that.
42. I am SO SHY that it can (and does) prevent me from living. Mainly from getting a job. But I need money!
43. i often have nothing to say to people online, and so I don’t say anything, and most people take that as my ignoring them or not caring. It’s just my lack of word-ability.
44. When I’m around my Natey (my youngest brother, Michael, who I renamed Natey) I’m incredibly random, bouncy, hyper, and do not shut up. Even when he used to wake me up at 8am for me to take him somewhere, after I’d been asleep for 3 hours, I would still be mass hyper.
45. My Petie (dad, he doesn’t respond to dad anymore so even when I do call him that he doesn’t notice) picks on me a lot, but that’s something he does out of love. I pick on him right back. As if I wouldn’t, his nickname for me is Hairy Butt!
46. I have no interest in travelling around the world to see sights. If I travelled it would be to see people.
47. Jake just gave me a great compliment… "I think your arse is a perfectly-sized piece of awesomeness, and is never without a method or plan"
48. I hate eating, and I hate not eating. Which I hate most on a given day depends on my mood.
49. I usually have one long fingernail, and the rest short. My right index finger does nothing, so the nail goes *long*
50. Jenn and I drive from a nearby station, following the train on a road that runs alongside it, till the end of the line 2 stops later. Tis a lot of fun, a great way to relax, and something that other people don’t understand until they come with us.
51. I love watching Neighbours.
52. Coke is my life blood. Mmmm delicious "black gold" as Natey, Jenn and I call it.
53. Jenn knows it all pretty much. Any silly jokes I have with other people, there’s a dam good chance she knows about it as well.
54. I love buying myself new dvds and things to watch, but I always feel guilty coz I’m using up money and not earning any more.
55. I write random crap like this when I’m bored.
56. I’m getting OD plus for christmas. Score.
57. I just saw Jake open his Christmas presents from me. was so cute to watch. I love seeing people be happy.
58. I love my Jake VERY very much.
59. I’ve run out of stuff, and I’m bored, so yeah. bye.
Very interesting… 🙂
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You rule. In my humble opinion! Lianne Marie xXx
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I say 32 all the time. And wtf? We are (respectively) getting married. What about these poor twats who planned their wedding and never got one!
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the point about me made me go.. *tears* I should of been point 4 as I’m Beat it.
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You certainly do! Lianne Marie xXx
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