“ooh, smells like new car and lemons!”


I’m watching Psych, I love this show.

Would be nice if the cable stopped skipping though. Better than last night, CSI crapped out maybe halfway through, but that was the whole stuff going down. When we were trying to sleep a truck came and fixed the box on the pole outside and made it all work again. Was very strobey with it’s alert lights, I had to hide under the many layers of blankets because I felt like it was going to cause me to go insane with the flashy.

This morning, I think 10am? 2 guys showed up and started working on the heat-making-thing-in-the-back-room-that-I’m-not-sure-what-it’s-called. 2:30, they left. 3pm one of the guys came back. He’s still here. It’s almost 11pm. Why is he still here? Hopefully this means when he leaves it will be functioning and awesome and all that. That would make me happy. It has been SO COLD today. 2 pants, 3 tops, thick dressing gown. Fluffy socks, cow slippers. Blanket over legs. It wasn’t until after my shower (which I need to gather a LOT of bravery for… and had to dance throughout because even the hot water wasn’t hot enough for my poor cold body) that I actually warmed up a bit. My cheeks are warm to the touch! And that makes me smile.

I’m sleepy. And wishing there was chocolate in the house somewhere. And mildly uncomfortable.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow though. There is the possibility that awesome will be purchased and that would make me happy. Not gonna mention. Amrai knows. I love that nickname for her. Especially because it came from my inability to quickly type the word Maria. I guess my A finger used to be fast. Kinda like how I have difficulty typing the word chocolate. But that is always a different misspelling.

I am so tired. When is the worker man going to leave so I can go to bed??

**The guy just left, it’s 11:30. He’s coming back in the morning. Whoa. He actually was cleaning the soot off everything! Saves me having to do it. Right before he left, he said something that creeped me out. "I’m really surprised noone was killed"

Thanks, repair dude. I really needed to hear that.

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October 16, 2009


Just what you need to hear before bedtime. RYN: Yeah, I was pleased with myself. 🙂

October 17, 2009

When I saw your title I was like OMG that was from Psych last night. Which was a great episode.

October 17, 2009

Ask the guy if there is anything for you to do to keep an eye out for such a problem in the future, or to prevent it happening again. Or if it was a one-off. I wish he hadn’t freaked you out.

October 17, 2009

Wow, holy crap! But yay for worky heat! I think the thing is probably called a furnace. I have a problem typing the word insane. I always type insance and I have no idea why. Probably because I’m weird! I’m all in a kerfuffle now wanting to know what the awesome is!~jo

October 17, 2009

Woo fixed! Aww at the fact that he said that. but *Jumps up and down* REALLLYYYY? 😀 😀 😀 😀 I love my nickname and having to explain it to people 🙂

I hate my cable provider (Comcast). It’s skippy, too. *