On the moon with Steve

It really looks like there is someone or something right outside our apartment, shining very bright lights at all the windows. It is actually lightning, but it does not just appear at once, it is very much like someone shaking something over the windows. It is extra odd because the thunder cannot be heard unless you really listen for it, so it makes the illusion of floodlights even more so.

..Although that above paragraph was written yesterday, so it is no longer true. It was odd and awesome though.

I really wish I had something to say.

Yesterday we watched Good Morning Vietnam, and today we watched an Eddie Izzard dvd so the ramble is high in me. But I am lacking any kind of original ramble so that’s kinda boring.

We had an amazingly awesome dinner tonight. We marinated chicken in the awesome sauce that Claire gifted us for chirstmas, threw them on the griddle and just MMM. Warmed the tortillas and the slices of tomato on the thing once the chicken was gone so they got added flavour from the leftover bits. It was so yummy. And now we have two weenie little chicken breast pieces all cooked and flavoured and begging to be eaten in a snack form.

I found an awesome deal online for free photo prints, although I was rather disappointed when I was limited to the tiny ones. The way the website was laid out, and the lack of specification on the coupon thing for the awesome deal suggested I should have been able to get 8X10 prints but nooo… that would’ve been cool though. Ah well.

Jake is watching Star Wars…. I’ve never seen any of them so I can’t tell you which one. One of the old ones. Really makes my eyebrows form a questioning position on my face.

Time for some more laying on the couch playing on the DS. I’ve finished Pokemon Ranger 2 again... at least the storyline part. So I guess I’ll just have to fully complete it now, but that parts a bit boring. Eh. Fun game though, that’s for sure 🙂

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August 11, 2009

You sound like me. I play Xbox mostly Lego Batman. lol I heard there is supposed to be a metor shower tongiht, or something like that.

August 11, 2009

I use Snapfish and they’re always sending me promotions for free prints, you should try them!

August 11, 2009

don’t know if it’s on the SPIKE channel where you are but they’ve been doing a Star Wars marathon here all day! YAY!!!! enjoy the fun and games! 🙂

August 11, 2009

I love the way lightning looks… but I don’t love how the cats spaz out when it happens. *hehehe* “Yesterday we watched Good Morning Vietnam” Awesome flick! A friend of mine got to meet Robin Williams last week (after a live comedy show) and has a photo of her kissing him on the cheek. TOO CUTE! 🙂 ~Shady

Huzzah for SW and Eddie Izzard!

August 11, 2009

star wars make my eyebrows do that aswell 😛

August 12, 2009

I loves me some lightening! :o)~jo

August 12, 2009

RYN: I usually check QC around 10 pm and I happened to see his ‘twitter’ message that said he was ‘streaming’ it. I was curious and followed the link and BEHOLD! Everything was just sketched in lightly when I got there and I checked back once in a while to see what he was doing. It was awesome! If I catch another one I’ll try to note you and/or do a few screengrabs. 🙂 ~Shady

August 12, 2009

Is the title a reference to that silly movie you guys used to watch where the fellow couldn’t go into suspended animation in space and there was a monkey?