Nearest ‘tude station
I hate being so behind on entries. Almost a week! Swearword! (I’m trying not to swear, even here… who knows if it will actually work)
Super-speedy update: Sunday was the xmas party at Jenn’s, Monday Ellen came over, Tuesday Ashley and I got colds and stayed in bed, Wed we had indian for dinner, Thursday we went out for lunch with Ellen, today Ash is teething and in pain.
Ash is napping on the floor in front of me so I MAY have entry-writing time. Probably not. But let’s try anyway, okay?
Eating a duck hat.
So, Sunday. At 2pm we got to Jenn’s house because there was to be a PARTY! there. It was only her family of 3, my family of 3, and Ellen, but it was still a party!
Oh bite my face, it’s 2 days later!
So yes, party. I felt bad, Natey drove us and clearly wanted to hang out, but there was only one spot for a car to park and Ellen hadn’t yet arrived so if he stayed, where would she have parked? So sad, I felt terribe telling him this info. He gets along so well with my friends, no wonder seeing as he is man-me.
The party was fun. Jenn and Ellen had both baked/procured sweet treats, so I had gone to the shops earlier in the day and purchased 2 salads (tomato/basil pasta salad, and a cranberry couscous thing) which turned out to be the only savoury things to eat! So they got eaten by everyone! I felt pretty awesome then, I hate when I bring/make things and they don’t get eaten. I made sure to eat bits of everything else for that reason (plus, it was all yummy!)
We just sat in their living room, talking and watching the babies play for hours and hours. Eventually Ellen had to leave (to go see her baby nephew.. baby day!) so I messaged mum to come get us while Ash napped on my lap (see picture in previous entry)
The rest of the week has been a bit of a blur. Ash and I have been sick. We got sick on Tuesday (don’t know if Jenn’s fam infected us or we infected them with plane germs, but James it quite ill today) so we spent a lot of time in bed taking naps. Matty was working in Sydney all week so Jake slept in his bed so Ash and I had space to sleep comfortably in my parent’s bed which was a lovely lovel 3 nights. Even though I missed my hubby-man, it was so nice to have spaaaaaaaaace. Ash was really good with me all night too, I could change her diaper and she wouldn’t cry (!), I could leave her on the bed while I ran off to pee and I’d come back and she’d just be sitting up waiting for me… it was lovely. Plus we slept in almost every day, each day a bit later than the previous one.
I still have my ridiculous cough, it is better tan it was but I can still be a seal barking if I want. Most of the time it is an annoying dry pointless cough, no more coughing up chunks of my soul.
(I’m on mum’s laptop today and the keyboard is different than Dad’s so excuse any typos!)
Ellen is flying off to LA tomorrow so yesterday was the last day we get to see her this trip. She was here at least every second day, which was nice. We went to La Porchetta for lunch on Thursday which was a hot day so was kinda silly but yummy and nice to be out. Ash is awesome in restaurants, she’s such an awesome baby, but especially in public which I love. She rarely needs diaper changes or feeds when we are in public, she just waits until we get home (if I don’t notice that she is subtly letting me know she needs things)… although she does hate the car ride home. Always. Crazy smoosh.
Yesterday morning, like midnight morning, (umm… Friday. I should say day-names) Ash was crying in pain, poor bub. I don’t know if it was a sore throat or a tooth coming through, she was drooling a lot but… yeah. So for the next 24 hours we had to give her acetominophen every handful of hours because she would just get inconsolable. The fishtank in the bathroom did calm her though, so at 11:30 Friday night that was how I got her to sleep when she wouldn’t eat or anything. And it put her so deeply to sleep that I managed to successfully transfer her to the pack n play and she slept there for 2 hours! 2 awesome hours!!
I think she just fussed but Jake got up quietly and went into the bedroom. I told him yesterday that the best thing, rather than picking her up from the bed, would be to lay down next to her and give her paci and cuddles. And an hour ago when she fussed, I went in there and found him doing exactly that, so that was lovely.
Today (Saturday) we were going to hang out with Jenn et al, but James is sick so that didn’t happen. Which turned out to be good because Ash and I slept in SO LATE that by the time I had eaten and showered, we would have been late. Instead we hung out here. Ash is getting better with Matty and Natey, still not as much as when they were visiting us but she’s getting there. We went for a walk around the house, outside. She has done laps of the house inside (holding our hands, but still walking) so I figured it was time she walked outside. She crunched on leaves, stepped over twigs and branches, and generally had an awesome time. Every time there was an ant she would stop and stare.
She had a bath in the big tub again. It was much longer than last time because I got in with her so when she would dive for a toy or slip and slide a bit, my legs on either side of her would hold her upright so she would stay safe. It was quite fun, nice comfy water, and now my legs are extra soft from the baby wash.
I was doing something with Dad’s computer and music collection today, and discovered that he had NO Michael Jackson. He had the entire ‘Barbie Girl’ album by Aqua, but no MJ? He had obviously copied music from an old computer and had done so from the boys and me at random points so how he had no MJ I don’t know. I fixed that, gave him almost 90 songs, which I’m certain he will like quite a few of them, if not all. I hope he actually gives them a serious listen.
Better stop typing before I have to go put Ash back to sleep for the 3rd time since bedtime almost 2 hours ago. She doesn’t sleep very well here, but that’s okay.
Next Friday (probably) is driving day! ~8 hours! Woo!
Title: Jake gave me the lame sugestion of "nearest tube station" but I didn’t hear it as such so… ha.
She is not sleeping well coz she is snuffly and maybe hot and maybe aware that her grandparents are outside her bedroom and we are an irresistable attraction!!!
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I agree with your Mum, Ashley knows when grandparents are around. I hope she feels better soon, I hate thinking of her sick. Bath time sounded fun.
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I hope Ashley feels better soon. She’s such a lovely, happy, full-of-energy cutey for the most part of the time, it seems
It’s just gone Sunday. And is going to remain Sunday for me for the next 43 hours :/
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