Doctor’s appointments exhaust me. I don’t know why that is, the appointment itself is simple and such and shouldn’t leave me unable to stay awake. Maybe I just don’t sleep well when anticipating something? I don’t know.
Yesterday I baked brownies AND anzac biscuits (can’t call them cookies, it just feels weird to me) simultaneously. Delicious goodness. All but 3 cookies are gone now, Lisa took them away. But I baked the brownies for her and the cookies for Matt, so I was expecting them to go away.
Yesterday afternevening, Lisa and Jen (Lisa’s friend, our neighbour) came over and the 4 of us went to a burger place just down the road. I had a "Tweety Bird" which was a chicken breast on a bun with lettuce and tomato. Pretty good, kinda tiny, not anything spectacular. The fries were good, but fries are always good. And I had a milkshake, which was so not a milkshake. It was just drinkable icecream. I wanted a proper MILKshake, so I was disappointed with the beverage. We won’t be rushing back there any time soon, food that expensive that isn’t that spectacular isn’t worthy of loads of visits. (All the ingredients were high quality, which is why stuff was expensive).
After eats, we came home and relaxed. Jen went home so Jake, Lisa and I spent all evening sitting on the couch chatting about baby related stuff. It was so lovely. Sleepovers are fun!
Doctor’s appointment went relatively smoothly. The nurse was taking my blood pressure and told me I had to have another pap smear, and then took (what felt like) a while to say "nothing is wrong, we just didn’t get enough cells last time." WHILE I’m having my blood pressure taken. I wonder if it shot up? I made the mistake of telling Lisa that last time the midwife had nicked my cervix and that’s probably why she stopped and didn’t get enough cells. (I forgot to write about that last month. That was loads of fun, leaving the hospital with a pregnant belly and a pad. Felt so contradicty)
Thankfully once the midwife (Paula this time, last time it was Deborah) came in she asked if I had ever had an abnormal result from a pap and when I said no she said she wasn’t going to bother doing one today. So that was yay. Although I still had to sit there pantsless for the whole appointment. Fun.
We heard the heartbeat, I got lectured about my diet (she asked what I had eaten the last 24 hours, so I told her. Because I had fries with dinner AND some doritos (like 5, tiny bag) before bed I got a huge lectures about the badness of carbs), got the ultrasound appointment set up for when Mum is here, and bam, we were done.
The day after our 5th wedding anniversary, we get to see the baby again, looking like a proper human baby, and we’ll finally get an answer to "girl or boy"!
I need a nap so badly. I feel naughty because after my food-lecture, I came home and had a (homemade, oat-laden) cookie, finished off the (mini) bag of doritos, and a banana. It’s a kind of rounded meal, maybe…
YAY! HEARTBEAT!!! I always got goosebumpy when I heard the heartbeats. ~L
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You shouldn’t feel bad,Every woman that is pregnant almost always eats in a weird manner. You have cravings for a reason,It’s your body telling you what you and baby need at that time. Doctors can lecture all they want,You aren’t out drinking alcohol every night and doing drugs,Food is not going to harm you or the baby. I ate ribs 3 times a week when i was pregnant with my daughter lol.
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As long as you leave tuna,shrimp,and other high mercury containing fish alone you’ll be fine. I ate nothing but chicken nuggets and fries from mcdonalds during my pregnancy with my son…It’s all I could keep down.
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You’re pregnant – eat what you want!
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I agree with the other people who posted. Info is great but lecturing a mommy to be is not so… Leave the lecture at the door, you are a smart healthy woman who will do what is best and your body is the captain so follow it’s orders. I loved hearing that sweet heart and hugs and kisses with both of you.
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Eek, nicked cervix. Sounds horrid! (I’ve been lucky so far. *touch wood*) It sucks so much when food is overpriced and mediocre, and it’s supposed to be OMIGOD GREAT. I’m done stating the obvious now, I think. :p
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When I was pregnant with Evie I started every day off pretty carb heavy. My kid is fine! And I lost all of my baby weight DAYS after I had her… the baby takes all of the nutrients it needs anyhow. Eat whatever doesn’t upset your tummy. That’s what I did and both the kid and I are healthy as horses!
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Are you hoping for one over the other?
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ryn: I love elephants! But when I’m hungry, I love peanut butter more lol
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Sezzie ate canary!!! Fancy getting lectured for eating a chicken breast with lettuce and tomato and a bit of bread. Seriously. I get to go to the ultrasound!!! *happy dance* Cookie was round. Banana was roundish. Doritos are triangular….. So maybe not a round meal but certainly geometrical. Can you tell I am feeling a bit crazy at the moment? I think I worked too hard today. *Giant hugs*
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I ate way too many carbs when pregnant. I don’t think it did anything bad. My blood sugar levels were fine and all that. Yay ultrasound! ~jo
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