Moo pants!!

Sponsor me for the blogathon! Raising money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation!

Time: 11:30pm

Hours left: 9.5

I am actually really glad I don’t have to sleep next to Jake tonight. He’s being very stinky right now. LOL He’s also being annoying with it. He came and stood right next to where I am sitting now (when I wasn’t here though) and left a big stinky cloud behind. And right before that, he went and farted at the kitchen sink… as I was going to wash the dishes. And now he’s in the other room but every so often a stench wafts this way. It;’s gross. So glad we have more than one room this time.

The Wii Fit told me I’ve gained a pound. But then… I generally weigh before dinner. And I do more moving around. Not much more, But more. So… yeah

I can’t have this entry just be farts!

I’ve gotta get Jake to take another picture of me, see if he can capture my tierdness. I feel like I look a lot better than I did earlier today, my hair is being properly straight (if it hasn’t been washed in a few days it starts to go crunkly) and it a lot lighter too. So that’s good.

Thank you to my latest sponsor, Nin. Yay, an extra few bucks! I have no idea what I’m up to, too lazy to go do the basic math again. I’m tempted to take a micro nap but I know that will just make me sleepier. Might have to attack the energy boosting beverages in the fridge. I hope they work, I’ve never really had any luck with such things. At least when alone. And when around people, if they have the beverages and I didn’t, I would still get the effects. Like how I can hang around people drinking and not have a drop yet I’m the one who acts the most drunk.

Oh, and just now, another sponsor! Thank you Ms.nickd! That should put me within $20 of my goal, I think. And with 9 hours left… that’s so easily doable!

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July 25, 2009

Glad your still with us. We can stick this out together!

July 25, 2009

*nods* 😀


July 25, 2009

ryn: No your so right about that show. I thought the same thing!

July 25, 2009

*gags* at stinkiness! very expressive! haha 🙂 YAY for another sponsor! 🙂