mmm… your pocket smells good…
ah, the things I say when my nose ends up in a shirt pocket. I’m just the right height for that to happen when Jake hugs occur. 😀
Today I was lazy, but I was pretty much planning that anyways. I was gonna just do the dishes and clean the fish bowls, and I only did the dishes, but doesn’t matter, everything will get done tomorrow. People will be home tomorrow so that’s motivation to get up early and get everything done in the morning so that afternoon will be spent in this room, probably cleaning up. There is still stuff that mum brought over just laying on the floor.
*adds graph paper to the shopping list* mmm…. graph paper.
ooh! I made the yummiest nachos for dinner tonight. Yes, I made dinner for us. Rare, but it does happen. It’s coz I am the one of us that constructs things, like when we have enchiladas, Jake cooks the chicken and then I combine it all and wrap it up and goodness like that.
And the best thing was I had Al foil on the dish so I just removed that and put it all on a plate and we had a picnic on the bed. And there were NO dishes to wash. None at all! How cool is that? I think VERY.
Oh and I was kinda productive today, I scanned one binder’s worth of photos onto the puter. 47 pages I think? 4 pics back and front on each… thats a lot. And I have 7 more of that to go. Mmm… long running task. Very much monkey-work, but I’m good at the stuff where you just work out a system and shut your brain off. Like stuffing envelopes. I actually enjoy doing such things, lets me think of other stuff, or of nothing at all! mmmm nothing.
Well, its after midnight, I guess I should go to sleep, or at least bed. Jake is fast asleep and I told him about an hour ago that I’d be there once I was done on OD. Too many people wrote long entries today! Or I’m a slow reader, which I’m pretty sure isn’t the case.
BAM to all!
mmm nachos. 🙂 Chris
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Mmmm… nothing thinking IS good. I’m all excited! It’s pretty fantastic when feelings are reciprocated. And I’m this close to having a date, methinks *squeezes finger and thumb real close together and peeks through the tiny gap* *happy dance*
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*CORNY SONG TIME* NACHO NACHO SEEEZZ! AH WANT TO BE, A NACHO SEZ. Al foil!! That’s so much better than typing Aluminuminuminuminum. Woooo! *buttdance* BAM to you too and some Emeril-ish kicked up notch…O!! GET IT?! NACHO?! GAAHAHAHHAAHHAA– *falls over*
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