mmm nandos!

Everything is like… super mega shiny. But that’s coz I sat with kitty on my lap while Jake showered, and I was facing the giant kitchen windows where the sun was directly on the other side.

So yeah, everything is REALLY BRIGHT!!

We went to Greensie and Jake got a shave so now he is a smoooth faced man. And I paid my thing at the post office so yay.

Then we had uberly delicious nando’s for lunchables and that made us both very happys. Jake was cute and asked me if it was ok that he would be a working man when we go home. So cute.

We came home to a cute kitty pawing at the door meowing coz she wasn’t getting let in. Aww.

I love Jake.

I made my thumb into an angel before, was absent mindedly picking at the skin and then I had wings on there! So it was angelic.

I’m cold and cold.

 Headbutt saw himself on the puter screen!! heheh, he’s staring at himself now.

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Aww! She’s cuter than I could have imagined! I keep hearing about Nando’s from you and Jake. What type of restaurant is it, exactly? ~

July 27, 2006

Cute ^.^ xx

July 28, 2006

I know I say it every time you mention it and every time I walk past it but I HAVE to go to Nando’s!

July 28, 2006


August 2, 2006

Beauuuuuuutiful kitty 🙂 Headbutt is too much pretty for a cat hehe! Look sooo cute! Can I have for a night to sleep with this cuteness?? 🙂