Love is in monkeys. Go harvest monkeys.

Today has been one of those days. By that I don’t even know what I mean, my brain is a little bit… custardised right now. Yes, I could’ve said flanned, but I don’t want to say that.

I woke up this morning, noticed noone was home and thought I should get dressed so as to pretend I’d been up for a while. Then I looked out the window and saw Jake and Lisa getting out of the car, so I got dressed and put the puter on and was just sitting here like I’d been up for hours (or at laest minutes!) by the time they got inside. I’m cool like that.

We all went off to… someplace. Jake had to go to the doctor to get his back-cyst drained. Sexy, eh? So I took it as my job to keep him distracted, by pulling funny faces and generally being weird (but quiet) while the doctor worked. And Jake hardly got pained. So that was good. Now he just has gauze in his back that (thankfully) his mum is gonna pull out a bit every day. I get the fun job of helping him shower without getting the thing on his back wet. My plan is to hold a towel around it (without touching it, coz it leaks!) and him just beign careful. Should work well enough.

I’m feeling a bit weird, not sure what it is, but I’m sure I know how to get rid of it. So I should do that. And moisturise my hands, my knuckles are complaining. Or something.

When we got home from the doctors, the apartment STANK! Thankfully, I used my uber-strengthy Sez-brain and deduced that it was the dishes (disgusting greasy/fat filled dish that Matt cooked chicken in last night) and all the gross bits of chicken stuff that he put in the bin last night. It happens every single week, I’m jsut grateful this week was only one dish, not 3. He never puts water in it, and Lisa always tells me to leave it so that he can do it when he gets home, but they stink! And stinks are not nice! So I don’t leave them.

I had a nap today, totally unplanned, and I think it was coz Jake was tired-ish from the back-draining, but he didn’t sleep it off. I did. Mmm brainmates.

This entry is boring me. Hopefully I’m the only person it bores.

title: I don’t know, its kinda a ‘quote’ from one of my survey answers today. Not exact, coz exact it looks… really dirty. heh

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you are a good wifey.:) Chris

April 10, 2007

I hope the weirdness has passed. I noticed on Jake’s survey that his first word was the same as yours. Cool eh?

RYN: oh! go here. and look at the one kitty with the sock. Thats a kind of kitty for you! 😀 Chris

It sounds like you live with some kinda gross people.

April 10, 2007

yeah, she’s so the best wifey ever. when that doctor was poking my back like that she did an excellent job at giving me something else to focus on with her funny faces and sweet words. I’m a lucky man. I make weird noises. BACK DRAIN! lol, sorry, I just felt like being a gross jerk-ass. I’m uber-grateful that you tend to me like you do, you know that? *LOVE*

April 11, 2007

I like the title – monkeys rule! Lee Mee xXx

April 14, 2007

Aawww, sweet how you kept making him smile so he wasn’t all owwieness. ;u; That’s what Sezababes are for. (You’re not just a Sezaboo but a Sezababe. WURD.) EEWW GREASY DISHES EWEWEWEW. You never bore me. 8D