Jazz hands, for a moustache!

Yesterday we slept a lot. Jakey is all jetlagged so we’re fixing that with sleeping. Plus he’s getting onto my body clock (which is something i really didnt want to happen coz really… my body clock sucks giant hairy arse) and I likes me a good nap.

We also watched many hours of Nip/Tuck, so that was  goodness. He’s getting the backstory and I’m watching it all for the 4th time.

We also did grocery shopping, which was good, coz now we have things to drink and such. That is always how I like it. I like to drink. Natey came with us, so it was a expedition of an adventure that was fun and random.

Jake is sitting next to me and every second sentance he’s all "so cute!" and I gets me a kiss and that is awesome. I loves that he’s here, it just feels right. Like he’s been here all the time.

Today we are gonna be making dinner. Vegeble pasties that rule so much. I haven’t made them in a long time, and I get to be Jake’s assistant in the cooking, and its all gonna be awesomeo fun and in the end we shall have tasty food. Oooh, and Natey comes home at… midday? 1pm? I forget. But yeah, he wants to help out with the making of them too. So coolio.

I don’t think I have anything more to say. Plus, I’m sitting on a tiny wooden chair designed for a 4 year old coz I gave the proper puter chair to Jake. So my butt hurts. So goodbye.

I don’t know why, but when Jake’s around, writing in the morning rather than the evening feels righter. So odd…

title: Jake’s moustache posed last night coz I was staring at it. Facial hair is entertaining!

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February 22, 2006

*grin* happy sez and jake! how lovely!

Perhaps your sleeping hours will both settle down once Squidy’s over his jetlag? The thought of you two in the kitchen is amusing. Only cuz I KNOW you’d be doing the SpiceWeasel thing. 😉 lol

February 23, 2006

More big smiles and happy faces. Lotsa luv,