That, my dear readers, is Sez-math.

Today has been a usual day, housework, and therefore really sore body.

Although I did do something a bit silly. I was cleaning out the fish bowls, so the fishies were in plastic cups of water. The Strongbad alarm went off so I went and put the wet clothes in the dryer. Leaving the fish alone in the cups for a while.

Came back, and found Shazbot happily in his cup, and Sandwich’s cup was EMPTY! That really freaked me out, I couldn’t find her and my brain couldn’t work out how to look for her either. Weird me. So I called Jake over quickly and he spotted her, still alive, under the cupboards. Drying up fish are STICKY! After a lot of her resisting I got her in my hands and back in her cup, and her bowl was all ready so she was home quick and she’s all good. I have no idea how long she was out but I’m surprised she survived. Now I’m just really paranoid she’s gonna jump again, and her bowl (that giant gold fish thing) has so many hiding places so half the time the bowl looks empty anyways!

Gotta get something to go over the top of the bowl, prevent that happening again.

So, yes. Jake came home from work this evening with a big bag of jelly beans!! At the Split Rail they were having one of those ‘guess the number of beans’ comps, and they were done so Jake brought me home some. And I have eaten quite a lot of them. Sugar is fun, especially with a Jake around coz he makes me slightly hyper just by being around. So shower time was fun, being so silly Jake was almost swallowing water. heh

And clearly that’s where the title came from. oooh, one that doesn’t need its own explanation.

This evening we watched more of that Planet Earth show we had dvr’d, and CSI is on soon, so its a good night of tvness. woo.

P.S. turns out last time I was reading about the social security thing, I was an idiot. I DO have to go to them to get a number. How dumb. Oh well, at least I know, right? (dammit, that means now I have to organise a time when Lisa can take me there…. yargh.)

P.P.S. vegemite on rice cakes = oh so delicious!

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sweet. you use strongbads alarm. hahaha Chris