“It’s like porn, but they have their clothes on!”

Yesterday… we didn’t do much, went to lunch with Kristen and her "boy toy" Tom. We went to San Remo’s, which is like a minute from here. I got the ravioli and was VERY disappointed because I only got 4 pieces on my plate! So that didn’t fill me up at all, not that really anything does these days.

That’s something thats really annoying, I just want to eat and eat and eat lately! I don’t get full. It’s just weird.

Other than that, we just watched a bunch of tv and … thats it. Lisa didn’t bring this puter home so I couldn’t write all that boringness yesterday.

Today Jake and I didn’t do much either. But that’s mostly just coz we don’t have ANYTHING to do all day, besides watch tv.

We went for a walk to Jake’s cookin-momma’s house to pick up dinner (bbq ribs) and she gave me a few dresses to try on. I’ll also be getting like… 5 people’s wedding dresses for me to try on. This is the rather easy and lazy way to ‘shop’ so I love it. Less choices = less annoyance.

We spent lots of time talking to Kristen about all random things, my title is actually something she said, about One Tree Hill or some other crappy tv show. It was too funny not to be used as a title!

Tomorrow we having breakfast at the Split Rail AGAIN… and in the afternoon Jake is gonna get a shave and a haircut and be less hairy and such. πŸ™‚

Saturday we are going to the mall and I’m gonna get me some books and hopefully some games for the DS, then next week when Jake is working I’ll have other things to do. So that will be good.

Oooh, and our lovely puter (with other cool things like a printer, yay printer!) should be here within a few days… I’m hoping tomorrow but it will prolly be monday or tuesday. But still, rock on, new puter for the brainmate! That will also be something for me to do during the day.

Me thinks its almost bedtime.

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August 25, 2006

Hehe, a guy on the TV just said surly. It was the only word that i paid attention to in his sentence. And pizza makes ME happy…so long as its really good pizza…I want pizza now. But we are having lamb chops (nearly typed lamb chips…that would be weird). I’ve just come home from intern-ing again and my brain is all silly. *giggle huggles* πŸ˜€ And also YAY for almost having a shiny new puter

August 25, 2006

yay printer indeed!

August 26, 2006

Hi sweetie! Just been catching up with you guys! Hope everything’s still as wonderful as usual. Hungry all the time huh? You’re not making minisquidlets are you? *smiles* Lianne Marie xXx