It all tastes like carrot *pancake edit*
Someone is somewhere, hammering. I THINK they are on the roof, but the usual telltale sign that someone is on the roof (a ladder by our front door leading to the overhang over said door) is not there and it is confusing. Also, the hammering sounds like it is coming from below the bathtub half the time. I feel like I’m going a bit crazy.
In ‘more tasty, less bangy’ news, we made chili the other day. Delicious, amazing, perfect chili. We had it for dinner Saturday and Sunday, and I had some for lunch today and I still want some for dinner tonight. I also want to make mini pies with the mix inside them. Mmm, pies.
Something smells like mushrooms!
Tomorrow we are going to a local burger place for dinner with Jake’s mum. We may also go to a local place for icecream but it is going to be a cold rainy day so my companions may not want that. I don’t think I’d mind, I’d just bring my icecream home and eat it all rugged up under a blanket. That is, after all, my favourite way to eat icecream. But yes, burgers. I’m honestly not that excited about it, because we looked at the online menu and there is very few options for someone who wants a burger, doesn’t want to eat beef, and doesn’t want a mushroom burger. In fact, there is one option. I think. It is called a "Zee Tweety Bird on Zee roll" but it doesn’t say what it is made of! Other than suggesting it is canary. I am hoping it is good because this place is right down the road and currently we have to drive at least half an hour, I think more actually, to get a good burger (but oooh those are good burgers!) and it would be so convenient to have yum so close I could walk to.
Even if my burger isn’t good, I’ll have a good time. Eating with family is always a good time. If only because it means extra hugs will be supplied. And I am very fond of extra hugs (Extra hugs = hugs from people other than Jake. Which I guess makes his hugs ‘regular hugs’ or something. ‘Standard hugs’? ‘Required hugs’? Something that makes them sound necessary but awesome and appreciated)
I’ve come to the conclusion, today, that Jake is the source of my energy. He was helping me out with the dishes before he had to go back to work (to do dishes…) and I was breezing through, kicking ass, ready to finish up when he left. And then he left, and I was exhausted and overheating and just needing to sit down. So either he is really distracting or he causes those things to just not exist when he is around. This slightly contradicts with my want to just sit and stare at him while he is home on his lunch break.
Moey is meowing pathetically and staring at me. He wants pat-love. Must provide…
I think Mowgli can be the most pathetic cat ever sometimes. He just rolled around on the bed demanding love and eventually half fell asleep once my hand was supporting his face. And now he is back to sleeping. Every time Jake comes home, Mowgli is instantly into loud, demandy mode. He chases Jake around the place, climbing onto any bit of furniture that might allow him to get a bit of love, meowing and jumping and smooshing his face into Jake’s hands. It is pathetic and absolutely heart-meltingly adorable. I love that the boys in this house have such a strong bond. It is SO CUTE.
I am clearly on some sort of random ramble spree.
This morning, the first thing I saw was a black thing under one of the windows. I was sure it was a giant ant so I stayed still and watched it for a little while to see if it was alive. It didn’t move, so then I thought it must be some black fluff from somewhere. No, it was a bee. One of the cats killed a bee overnight. I love that, bees freak me out (as flying bugs do). I often find big ant bodies laying around the place, I like that the cats don’t eat them. Probably smart of them. I did see Lexi eat a moth in here once (and I think I may have captured that moment on video… good timing if I did!)
I want chicken salt. Then I could have chicken salt on my fries. You have no idea how often I crave things like that, things I cannot get here and cannot get people to send me (although I do think you can buy chicken salt at home, I remember Natey having a bottle of it in his room years ago, but can’t buy the amazing fries it generally comes on)… in an ideal world, I would never be pregnant here in CT again. I’d do it back home, where all the good stuff I crave would be available. The only things I couldn’t make or get down there would be … junior mints? And how often do I want or eat those? And I could find something similar probably. So it would just be the perfect plan. Too bad it won’t happen.
The cats are leaving us in the near future. Either the 28th or the weekend after, depending on if Katey gets them the day they move in or waits to get more organised and such in her new living space. So that means we will have been looking after the cats for just under 5 months. Do you know how freaking cool that is? And to think, I can look back on my early April entries where I am excited at the thought that we might get to have the cats for a month or maybe even 2! heh
All the cats are curled up like cute little fluffy bugs and it is filling the air with sleepy vibes. I think I may need to go join them in nap-land.
Title: What I hears when Jake said "it’s all been taken care of"
It’s cold today. So cold that Moey has been sleeping up by my pillows to provide him a bit of extra warmth. His mum, Lexi, didn’t like it when I put some of the blanket on her, but Mo doesn’t seem to care. He looks so fluffy and sleepy and awww.
I realised that in my big long ramble I did not write about Saturday morning. Saturday morning, Jake worked. I was hungry for pancakes. I could have gone downstairs for pancakes but that would have meant putting on pants (and I do that as infrequently as I can these days, I have house-pants but they aren’t going-outside-able) and also eating in a completely upright position. I’m slouchy and belly-y, eating is best done in a slightly reclined manner. So I made pancakes for myself, which I had with fresh lemon juice and a sprinkle (okay, it is me, more like a dollop) of sugar. Yumyumyum. I think the cats, or at least one of them, liked them too. I dropped a tiny mini pancake piece of the floor for Grace to sample, and she just swatted at it and walked away. But when I went to pick it up after I was done with my meal, it was gone. Somebody ate it! I ate half my pancakes and Jake finished the rest off for Sunday breakfast, because he is weird and likes them cold, and because he wasn’t here when they were hot.
I am the baby vessel! Achoo-pajamas! – Jake and I are chatting as I edit and these are the things that come out of us.
Ew, a burger made of canary? Surely not! I’m definitely craving burgers, but I haven’t had red meat in a while… so it’s kind of scary to think about indulging.
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Aww, you guys are going to have to ask for joint custody after having the cats for so long!
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You can get junior mints in many many places here now. Even the video shop in diamo!
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My orange cat, crick, actually sleeps in between the duvet and the duvet cover. He is weird.
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I don’t like the idea of you eating Tweety! You would have to puff out your cheeks and try to make out that you had nothing in your mouth like Sylvester used to do until granny hit him on the back of the head with a broom…….
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