Incestuous bakery
This morning I woke up at 9am, which was slightly annoying as there were no alarms to wake me up then. But at 9:30 I got repeatedly Ellen-messaged, so I would’ve been up then anyway. And it was nice to have Jake and I both be awake then, as her first message made a very high pitched noise fall out of me. Because her flight to come visit us in October is now booked. WOOO!!!
At 10:20, Lisa called to say she was going to be half-hour earlier than than she had stated, so I went to the post office to check for stuff. Which wasn’t that exciting. I like when the mail is exciting. We went to the bank, which is always exciting. Then headed to Walt’s but he was out fishing so wasn’t available to de-hair my hubby. We groceried, which cost WAY more than I expected. But the only reason I was expecting it to be any kind of price was because I had gotten all I could on Peapod and that was $40, not enough to actually order it!
Next was laundry. I was glad we went home to drop off the groceries, because I had forgotten the laundry detergent. I knew there was something I forgot but it took until we were almost leaving for me to remember, and send Jake up to get the stuff (I would’ve gone, but we were in Lisa’s new car, which is a 2 door. So I was trapped in the back). Laundry took FOREVER. Like… an hour and a half. But I was hungry, and I don’t like putting things on for longer and longer to get them to actually dry.
After that boring time, we went to the mall for ‘the fun part’. Jake and I wandered, found some sheets we wanted (I realised a week ago that we had no extra sheets in case our red ones got all gross or something) and some new pillows which seem rather rockin. Got Jake a new game, and a cd, and went to wait for Lisa at the nail salon. An hour and a half later (well.. I’m pretty sure it was that long, it was definitely more than an hour) I was in pain, both from the seat and from hunger. And then she was done. I realised towards the end that the place behind where we were sitting had fairly cheap haircut prices, so I think next time we are doing stuff with Lisa and she needs her nails done, I’ll get my hair cut. I need a big ol trim. And regularly too. Stupid splitty hair.
Kristen, Stacy and Nick joined the 3 of us for dinner at Olive Garden. I like the breadsticks. They need not be so garlicy and greasy to the touch though. Have never been there before. I got cheese ravioli and it was fairly decent. I was amused because Stacy got the same thing and she was pushing all the sauce away from her pasta, I was pushing all the cheese away from mine. 🙂
I am so freaking tired. And sore. And gonna go do some samurai sudoku, I didn’t get a chance to do it this morning. title is Jake’s 3 words from word blend on brain training. That one is hard. (title is no longer that… I tried to save my entry and the page took so long to load it didn’t save the entry. Try number two…)
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olive garden is so yummy
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I’m o-fish-ally visiting! Woot!
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Double woot!!!!
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YAAAAAAY, ELLEN TIIIME! <3 Have fun in October!! I bet you're so excited! mmmm shopping. I like Sez’s long hair. don’t cut it too short. 😀 I love ravioli. I keep planning to make it but never find time. grrr. lafjdslfjk;slfjds;jds weird title! BUTT! *hugs*
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