I’m falling apart

I think my body is trying to get every possible sick-type thing out of the way before we go to Sydney next week. Next week, that means we’re leaving in like… 3 weeks! Shite!

Woke up this morning at 7:15am, coz I have this super annoying ulcer at the back of my mouth that was paaaaaaaainful! And still is. Every swallow is owwie. Couldn’t go back to sleep, despite the fact I was awake till at least 3 coz my nose was too stuffy and I was too sneezy to calm down and rest.

So I’ve been up all day. It’s… a little scary. I should’ve done the blogathon like I had wanted but thought would be too difficult, as I’ve had the puter all day and I’ve just been playing pokemon and such. Ah well.

My knee is being evil-pain too, can’t really straighten my leg, but bending it in the slightest sends shooting pains up the leg. So meh. It’s bandaged up.

Also got a headache from all the coughing, and have a slight dabble of asthma just to top it all off.  See? Falling apart!

There was some good stuff though. Mum went nuts at the supermarket, so she made soup and bran loaf AND she bought a whole bunch of yummy cheeses for us to ‘sample’. mmm

Back to pokemon now. and milo. yum.


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July 30, 2006

Oh dear. You need to be traded in. Hope you feel better before you leave!

July 30, 2006

Aww poor you =[ it sucks being sick but you are really sick lol *big squishy hug* get well soon xxx

July 30, 2006

as my mum would say “well you’re in the wars aren’t you?” and then walk away with no more sympathy. lol kidding. you poor thing, hope all your aches and pains go away soon