I’m all-powerful and covered in chocolate
I had the most relaxing evening last night. All the peoples went to the swimming club presentation, so I was all home alone to do as I please. So I got to have a lovely relaxing bath (that was 2 hours long surprisingly) and then got to talk to the Squid one for a whole bunch of hours which is always awesome fun. That Squid is such a weird one I tells ya. But then so am I. Because of that conversation, there is a post-it on the top of the puter screen, coz it was the best I could do (I wanted to put it on his forehead lol)
I so cracked up when I saw that we have post-its with lines on them! LINEY!!!!! heheheee so amusing. Not so much anymore, but they were at the time!
Now I’m gonna go do some productive things with the rest of my day, so I can feel like I’ve had a reason to be awake today. Yeah, that’s always nice.
Mmm… so the rest of my day was spent doing stuff! SHOCKING! I was gonna go to the post office but mum reminded me that the post office isn’t open on Sunday, so that got rid of part of my "doing useful stuff" list. Instead I went to Greensie and bought me a monkey jumper. Mmm… it’s all shiny. So amusing. I had to go to No Flan to get it though, because Greensie suck ass and had none at all. Plah. =) Twas good that I went to No Flan though because the sock place be there. Mmm… Sez has new socks. They made me so happy yesterday. heheee. Oooooh… and I saw these really awesome fluffy bed-type socks that would go up to the knee at least, and they were purple and stripey and I WANT!! But they were something like $13, and who would pay that for a pair of socks. Yeah yeah, I would if I had money. lol. That’s probably WHY I don’t have money! Stupid empty bank account *fists*
I did more rearranging in my room, so its all "mmm… im… something" so yeah, there are more marks in the carpet from where things were.
Mum is weird. I asked her something about the 2 minute noodles she had in the cupboard, and she went odd…
did you buy enough of the spicy thai ones?
did i buy enough slice of cut worm?
see? ODD! heheheh But then… hmm… Petie thought I was insanely odd, coz I ran from one end of the house to the other to get a hug from him, and then ran all the way back. Oh wow, a whole 15 steps or something. So weird! heheee
There was a mini-quest for coke. This resulted in a very sore hand (silly bottle being near impossible to open!) and a cut foot (for there was something sharp I trod on on the kitchen floor) but there was coke so w00t!
Today is Monday. I was a monkey today. I didn’t wear any of my monkey clothes though. Har har. I laugh with r’s lately, I don’t know why. Oh well. 9 til 3 I stuffed envelopes. 1500 envelopes. GAH! And I did not get one paper cut. Go me! W00t! heheh. So that was something, I earnt me some more money, but I was gonna have to go in tomorrow but no more coz I did all my work in one day. Silly fast Sez-monkey. =)
It’s hard to sit there and work when you’re really hungry and distracted though. Coz I was lacking the money-type thing, I had no way of getting food. So that was slightly plah. Oh well. =)
It took me an hour and a half to get home. Silly public transport taking so long. And coz of the marvellous timing of me, I got stuck being surrounded by screaming school ‘kids’ and so that gave me a headache and made me feel rather claustrophobic. Not fun. So when I came home I went to bed to relax (my back was aching… from sitting up all day?) and I fell asleep. Silly "unplanned naps" lol. Oh well, twas niiiice, and I got woked up for dinner. And now I’m here! =O
if you had 3 wishes, what would your second one be?
my second one would be to die
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