I’m a flamethrower of confusion
I have a massive pile of jeans in my wardrobe. Last time I tried them all on, I could only fit into one pair, which is now like wearing a pair of Jake’s they are so loose. So I’ve been trying them all on again, seeing which ones have holes in bad places or broken zips or what. These are one of the best pairs, except it has been very windy the last two days. I’m so glad I have many pairs of long socks. (Jake took this photo, I tried to take one myself but it didn’t work so well. I do like that you can see the way my giant toes curl around the edge of the stair like they naturally do.)
The other day, we had breakfast for dinner. Brinner. I keep wanting to write that we had ‘brinner for dinner’ but that just seems excessive to me. Anyway. Eggs (one with runny yolk, one with cooked yolk, silly slanty burner!) and bacon and hash brown cooked in the bacon fat. Yum yum. Managed to grate my thumb when I was grating the potatoes, so that was fun. Had to call Jake in to do the rest because I can’t grate left-handed and I couldn’t not use my thumb. I tried, it was too difficult. I took an awesome photo of the damage, but I don’t want to post it for all to see because you might find it gross. I find it kinda gross, but impressively awesome. Just know, it is not as bad as it looks.
It’s been so cold lately. I have to re-make the bed before we go to sleep, so as to put the lovely warm fluffy red blanket with the sheet and doona so we don’t freeze while sleeping like we did last night. Better do that soon, I’m getting sleepy.
Oh, ew, I remember what I was going to write about. This morning I made myself some oatmeal (porridge) and when I pulled the honey out of the cupboard, an ant fell out with it. The cupboards are located directly above the bench. So the ant fell right into my oatmeal. Thankfully it got stuck straight away so I just scooped the oats around it out and tossed that part and ate the rest. Better than finding bugs in my cereal after having eaten half the bowl. That happened way too many times in the old apartment.
Are you literary good eats?
I love brinner!
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Brinner!!! I love brinner. Occasionally I have pancakes for dinner… =P Love your socks!!!
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The long socks through ripped jeans are awesome! So is brinner :o) I should not have clicked the bloody finger link. I squeeled out, “Ewwwwwwww!” and hit the back button quickly. Heh. Oh and I would flip over the cereal incident. Just sayin’. Also, did you know that ‘doona’ is not a recognized Scrabble word? Tsk-tsk-tsk. ~jo
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How many people would say, Ooh look I am pouring blood. Let me hold that while I take a photo. I am impressed by the length of your thumbnail.
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Awsumsox. (*lends you new JJ/Sezlandish hybrid word*) In other words, I love your socks. <3 And those jeans aren’t bad at all! I like jeans with holes at the knees. 🙂 Brinner!! mmmm sometimes I have a craving for pancakes at night but then I go…naw, that’s just… naw. It’s too breakfasty to be dinner. 😮 Your toes curl around the bottom of the stair you’re stepping on too? snc. <333
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GAAAH ZE BLOODY! The photo isn’t that gross, btw. Don’t worry, the cut will heal soon. 8D My mum recently got a cut like that while de-shelling some Brazil-nuts and trying to get them out with a knife, and it closed up pretty quickly. It’s been hot here!! There are particularly mad people going out for walks on the trail in sun, temperatures and UV-rays so hot they can fry eggs. Infact…
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…I saw a rather baldy man (with no driver’s license stapled to his rather big baldy head! lol I’m glad I made you laugh :D) who looked all tanned and like he COULD fry an egg on his head! Silly people! GAHFDSFJSL MY FOOT’S ASLEEP FJAKSDLFAS. *shakes it* Eeeeww omg honey’ed ants. Sometimes we leave water in our tea kettle and when I pour water out of it, we find ants in it. Urgh. D:
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ANT SWIMMING POOL TEA. D: (I just remembered you’re dealing with ants in your house too. Am I grossing you out? lol, sorry!) Literary good eats? mmmmmm…. Shakespearmintalicious. D:???
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P.S./ryn-ish: LMAO COLOURS!!!438743824fkdsjdlsjldsj That cracked me up. XD Ubings!
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“There are hundreds of different kinds all over the world. There are about 500 different kinds in the United States and nearly 5000 world wide. They come in all different colors, too. Reds, yellows, orange, gray, black, brown and even pink.” I want to see PINK ONES OMG
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The jeans look adorable, the bloddy finger not so much. Love you
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p.s. MAN I love your sockses
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That’s awesome that your old jeans are fitting you again. Wish that would happen to me! Ha LOL! I love it how theres rips and you can see your socks underneath 😀 this makes me happy Breakfast is seriously the best food!
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yeah…i am SO not clicking on the finger pic. ;p
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All I see is picture. I’m too tired to read the words…something about Brinner and bugs in food. Ew good thing he was scooped out of it.
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Ohhh I HATE ants in the kitchen. It makes me feel like throwing everything away and buying all new food. *shudders*
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OMG I could never eat cereal again after finding out I ate bugs! My mom ate some chips once and then dumped some on the counter to sort through (it was a mix) and bugs went everywhere! I thought it was hilarious cuz I wasn’t the one eating them, lol.
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LOL at injurying your thumb and immedately going for the camera before first aid (so something I’d do!). Looks ouchies though. 🙁
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I don’t have a pile of jeans. Kind of cool you have a pile and that those have knee holes. Breakfast for dinner is awesome but I’m not much of a breakfast food person. Maybe I need the right person took cook it. Iuo. I like having Lunchfast. Ow your thumb. Gross but awesome. Bugs are gross we get odd things if we leave flour in thee cupboard.
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