…If you can’t feed your baby… yeah yeah!

It’s my birthday yay!

I got a shiny pink camcorder (man I hate that word… digital video camera) this evening. Yay birthday gift. If I had it all set up and worked out how to use it I would just do a video entry today. But I’m too tired to even think of doing that, so nuts. I was hoping to get this AWESOME purple camera I saw… but the only reason I wanted it was that it was purple. And it was twice the price of the pink one, so that would’ve been silly.

I also have new shoes. We went to so many places looking for shoes, and I ended up getting one that I saw in the first place… but refused to get because they have the brand name scrawled across the side and I don’t like advertising like that. They are brown and pink. Yay shoes. Again, I found some ones that were purple.. and I really wanted. But I would never wear them. Even if they were massively sexy.

This morning, very early this morning, I got a happy birthday call from my mum. We didn’t talk long though, once I told her it was 2am she said goodbye. But thanks to daylight savings kicking in (or going away? I’m not sure…) it was kinda 1am which didn’t feel so geh.

At 7 I got up and opened my presents. I got an MJ book and some kakuro books from mummy, some socks from me (they pretty!) and a scarf and some fingerless gloves from Jenn. Both of which were purple and black stripey. Very awesome. I wore my gloves all day! Was just the right weather for them.

Jake and I went to see This Is It this afternoon. Was so good. I really enjoyed it because for once my mind didn’t start to wander in the middle of it, because there was a Jake there and he kept reacting to the movie I was constantly paying attention to the movie and that was good. I think 3 times in 5 days is enough. For now. Might go once more before it goes away but… maybe not. I have worked out that this movie moves me so much that I spend pretty much the whole time burping. Big, borderline demonic burps. The good thing is, Jake was sitting next to me and couldn’t hear them, so that’s the perfect time to get gas-possessed.

After the movie, we went to Ruby Tuesday’s for delicious eats. I think my turkey burger was even better than normal! Mmm. That might have been because if I closed my eyes I had no external stimuli distracting me from the tasty flavour. (My left ear has been completely blocked since last night, and my right ear can’t quite make up it’s mind…) 3 hours later and I am still so full. Mmm, full of tasty.

It is only 6:30 but it feels SO MUCH LATER. I need to wash the plastic smell of stores off of me. And if I can make room for it, have a slice of delicious Sez-made birthday cake.

title: Too high to get over, too low to get under, you’re stuck in the middle, and the pain is thunder!

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November 1, 2009

Happy birthday! I’m glad you had such a great day. ^_^

Aww it sounds like you’ve had a lovely day so far! Happy birthday again!! Hope your ear unblocks itself soon!

Happy birthday Sez! So glad you had an awesome day! xo

haha, I still say camcorder. and portable phone.. 🙂


happy birfday sezbot! i’m glad you had a good one 😀 Chris

November 1, 2009

I hate being a walking (no pun) advertisement for companies, too.

November 1, 2009

at first I read “Even if they were massively sexy.” as “even if they were manly and sexy.” LOL glad you liked my present and card. And you had a great day. Awesome!

November 1, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!!!

November 1, 2009

Happy birthday!!

November 1, 2009

Happy birthday!

November 1, 2009

ryn: Yes I will! I’ll do it when I get home from school lol and woo camera! Glad your day went well.

November 1, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sounds like you had an awesome day =D

November 2, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (again!) I’m DYING to see This Is It! Lee Mee xXx

November 2, 2009

Hey, you got to have a 25 hour birthday on your 25th! Duuuuuuude! Can’t wait to see video entries. It will be rockin’! And happy birthday again, even though it’s over now. Heh.~jo

November 2, 2009

Happy Birthday!

November 2, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

November 2, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAY! *hugs!!* Ican’twaittotalktoyoulaterrrr. <3 LMAO borderline demonic burps!! That must’ve been awkward! But totally okay. 😀 Burping. Next best thing to crying and going OMG IT’S SO AWESOME. ;.;! hehee 🙂 Have fun, Sezzie <3 <3 *hugs* Btw, which MJ book did you get? 😀

November 2, 2009

ryn – Wow I knew something was weird, never guessed it was that