I wish I was a pudding ninja
I’ve been meaning to write, but I’ve either been too lazy or too… distracted. Or like today, had no internet. This morning, someone was outside trimming the tree branches and they cut our cable… cable? Cable-cable. Cable-line? Anyway, they cut it. Right when I was about to email my mum. So I had to call Charter and get someone to come out and fix it. The guy wasn’t going to come until 3-5pm, so I spent the whole day waiting. I hate waiting, it always causes me to feel sick and gassy. He didn’t show up until 5:30, but he was done in 10 minutes, so I guess all the waiting was worth it. It’s really weird to have to internet AND no tv. I spent all morning cleaning and all afternoon napping/reading favourites on my phone on the couch. I had to nap because I woke up at 5:30, got out of bed at 6:10. I think one of the cats was doing something stupid? So I sat up and told them off because they weren’t listening to Jake (and I am the ruler of the cats, they obey when I use my scary-momma voice) and I can get up and move around and go back to bed and go straight back to sleep. I can speak, a little, and then go straight back to sleep. But if I do both, I’m screwed and am awake. Napping never works for me though, I’m not a napping person. I sleep in, I don’t have many sleeps.
Oops, big paragraph.
So, on Saturday I made a chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. It looked pretty good, even though it was crooked. It tasted… ok. Not my favourite. I don’t do cakes very well. Next time I think I should just make cupcakes.
On Sunday, we went up to New London to have dinner with Jake’s family. We got there a bit earlier than the meeting time, at 1:30 (which as it turned out, was about the same time as my darling best friend Jenn had her little baby girl! Elouise! ♥) so that we could hang out with Matt and Lisa a little bit before everyone else showed up at 2. The more people there are, no matter how well I know them, the quieter I am. This way, we got to chat and I didn’t leave feeling like I was a mute for the night.
*weird side note. The giant man-cat that looks like a little lion… it turns out his name is not Mowgli. It’s Mosley. This is why I asked for the names in writing, because I hear names like Mosley as Mowgli. I think Mowgli fits him better though, I just feel weird calling him that.
Also, when he plays with the toy mice we have, he shows the same intensity to playing as my brother Natey does. So it seems like Natey turned into a cat and is playing with a toy mouse in my apartment. So cute and SO weird.*
All the other kids showed up at 3 (they got lost or something… ) and so I spent the rest of the evening being quiet except when people asked me something. Like how I feel about illegal immigrants. Dinner was Lisa-food. She made a pot roast with potatoes and carrots, breaded chicken cutlets, pasta, and cheesy garlic bread. I had a little bit of pasta, a gigantic piece of chicken (I actually picked a semi-small one, they were just all huge!) , a piece of yummy yummy cheesy bread, and a small pile of deliciously beefy carrots and potatoes. I’ve been craving beef for a while (well, I was craving it about 2 weeks ago and never had it, so even though the craving went away, I still felt I should eat some) so I did have a tiny bite of Jake’s bit of pot roast, but it wasn’t that great to me. The veggies that cooked with it, however? FANTASTIC. The chicken was so so delicious too. It was such a super-delicious meal. I was starving too, so I gobbled it up.
Tomorrow, Jake has a doctor’s appointment (the boring kind where we go just to get new prescriptions). Friday Mowgli has a vet appointment that his real mummy is taking him to (poor boy has worms). That describes what’s going on right now… that and the general super happiness that always permeates Sezquido Land.
Super happiness of Sezquido land! Except when the internet and tv cable is cut and makes you isolated. Sezquido Island!!! The cake looks good.
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I don’t know why you think you don’t make good cakes. There is none left. Jen Black had the last piece and we all agreed it is the best cake ever. YUMMY
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So much yumminess in this entry! Now I crave pot roast. Mmmmm. I’m glad the cut Internet cable was an easy fix!
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ryn: Me too. Good thing the internet cable was able to be fixed. That cake looks good. Pot Roast sounds good.
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ryn: Thank you, Sezzapalooza. Your support and encouragement are most appreciated. *huggles*
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I’m going through the list of participants from last year so do you think you’ll be doing Blogathon this year? Because we’ve organized ODAHQ again since the Blogathon site seems down. If you plan on doing it you can sign up already.
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RYN: Aw, I hope next year you can too!
~Cat Mommy
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Hey! I sent you your book today, you should get it soon. ^_^
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Sezzie, you write almost as infrequently as I do now! In fact, even moreso! ryn: I can’t wait for you guys to experience this too. :o) ~jo
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