I want to lick the world

Leave me a note on this entry if you wish to sponsor me for the Alternathon as I raise money for make-a-wish.

Time: 10:30pm

Hours left: 10.5

I tried to take a picture to show how tired I look right now, but the pictures came out either overly flashed, or too dark. I’ll try again in a bit.

Instead, you get pictures of my toes.

I love my toes, they interest me. If you don’t look at the big one, they look like young child fingers. (man my big toe is hairy. I didn’t know that!)

I’m actually rather sleepy right now. Sugar wore off already. Lousy bacon of a sweetness.

Ok this picture actually is too close up detail and it just gross. Sorry!

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July 31, 2010

Mine is hairy, too. Don’t tell anyone!

July 31, 2010

JAWBREKAER! They do look like fingers! POTATOES!

July 31, 2010


August 1, 2010

*random* I can’t help but notice that you, like myself, have what my husband referred to as “alien toes”, where the second is longer than the first. I believe it means we are more highly evolved-it makes us much more agile at picking things up with our feet/toes, doubling our juggling possibilities!

August 1, 2010

I love your feets. *tickles them virtually*

August 2, 2010

You have a second toe that is longer than your big toe, just like meeeee! We’re toe-sisters! :oD ~jo