i love a steaming linoleum

Ha. I’m smart. I realised last night I didn’t write an entry about yesterday, just had a whinge. Yesterday was pretty awesome, Jake and I went to Greensie and had yummy lunch and got candy and donuts and went to see Pirates 2. Twas a lovely little outing with my lovely little jakey. hehheh

Today I woke up and was all "yay its before midday!" coz that is rare that I willingly get up that early. So had breakfast (another :O thing) and did masses of housework. dishes, load of washing, massive pile of dusting, sweeping, mopping, umm…. cleaned the bathroom… took the computer and such out to the shed but all the drawers down there were broked so that was poop. Tomorrow I vacuum and clean in here.

Headbutt was ‘assisting’ me in the cleaning…. well actually I think she was supervising, but either way it was entertaining. I love having a kitty!!

After the cleaning, Jake and I had some cheese and crackers for a nice afternoon snack of tasty.

So I’m all… happy coz I did stuff and moved around today rather than just sitting on my ass. oooh and we also booked and Petie paid for the stuff for Sydney, so that’s all done and done. a 90 minute flight is gonna feel like nothing compared to… every other flight we’ve taken. heh

And our hotel is 3 blocks (in a straight line) from the consulate, so that shouldn’t be too confusing to find. And we will be within walking distance of a bunch of other things, so that is also goodness.

Tomorrow Natey and Jake and I are going to greensie and jake is getting shaved and we are having nando’s for dinner and I have to buy a bunch of stuff at the supermarket so i should write myself a list…

gotta pee. *ends entree here*

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August 2, 2006

I wish I was a random as you, sounds like you’re feeling better.