I have been tagged… with beef!

I got tagged (by deathdreamsofdeath)

Not because you have to, but because you WANT to! Make a list of Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal… and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

These are in no particular order

1- Staying up all night knowing there is noone I can wake up so I can make as much noise as I want lol.

2- Going playgrounds or just generally acting like a child.

3- Seeing my friends, especially when they are happy.

4- Random hugs, especially the type that scare others. Actually, any hugs.

5- Eating all that excess carrot cake icing that gets left behind in the package thing. (mmm)

6- SAVE ME! The Hanson song that just rocks, especcially the starting.

7- Having someone count my change for me so I don’t have to touch it (ok that’s silly)

8- When I accurately guess the next song before it starts when the player is on random (4 times in a row gets freaky though!)

9- Random hyper driving in the middle of the night, singing along to the music playing, whatever it is.


tag five friends!
Organized Chaos.

  So tag! You’re IT!!!! C’mon, Play With Me!  Don’t make me Beg!

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I had Shannon tagged, but then OD ate my tag. 🙁

June 9, 2005

ohhhh dammit…. you tagged me… 🙁 i was hoping i wouldnt have to do it 😛 ah well. *kicks butt into gear*

June 9, 2005

YAY! *huggles* thanks for the tag! haha I guilted Squido for not tagging me hehe it was FUN! Also we had a ‘facinating debate’ about mind-mate vs. brain-mate for imagery purposes hehehe Keep smiling hunny! 🙂 And YES of COURSE I will be tagged and tag others lol @-}–}———-

June 10, 2005

Yay! I didn’t think anyone loved me enough to tag me.. lol, I’m okay. *grins*