I have an indian moo

I love when I’m right. I went to bed at 9am, and Jake woke up then. Which was good, coz I got hugs and then a giant bed to myself to rest.

And I rested until 4pm. Mmm sleep is so good. Every time I go back to sit on the bed my back sighs with happiness. I’m bored of this area though, and typing slightly hurts, I feel like I have a sprained finger but that will go away eventually.

Kristen, Tom, Nick and Stacy were all over this afternoon to celebrate Lisa’s birthday (which was last Tuesday). Thankfully I didn’t have to socialise, coz I was asleep.

And I’m sick of this chair still… so no more typing for tonight. Off to play pokemon till its a proper bedtime.

title: I dont’ know. think about it.

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*loves on Sez* I have discovered that Firefox is ridiculously slow for some reason. I had less drama with IE. Bah.

is the chair still sqeaky? Chris

July 29, 2007

Chairs are odd sometimes. Yay for good sleep after hurting back. Yup.

I’d be sick of my deskchair too if I had to sit on it every half-hour for 24 hours, lol! Sounds like RSI in your fingers, hopefully the strained-like feelings disappear tomorrow 🙂

July 30, 2007

I can’t believe you even typed this much. And you missed out on socialising but you also missed out on pizza. *big huggles*

July 30, 2007

I know it. I’ve been trying to avoid the computer as well. Every time I look at my chair my back starts hurting.