I don’t want to play with the sun!
Oh, the stretched-out-kitty cuteness.
Last Saturday, Jake and I had lunch with his Dad and stepmother. We went to the chinese buffet again. I hate eating there. We were there from 12:30 to 3, although eating was done by 1:30 (probably even 1…). The rest of the time was us sitting there listening to Nancy talk about the new ginormous tv they got and all the stuff they watch. I really can’t remember another topic of conversation.
After lunch, Jake and I went to the grocery store next door. It is the same chain as the store we live next to, and the only other location (I think there are only 2) so we wanted to check it out and see how different it is. The place was huge! At least in comparison to the cute little store next to us. It was clearly the original store. We got the cats some cute mouse toys because 1) they were super cheap and 2) they were big enough to not be able to slide under the heater vent around the apartment. So much less crawling around on my knees trying to find the toys when the cats can’t get to them! For the first time in the 2 months we’ve had the cats, my knees are actually NOT bruised like crazy. AWESOME!
What I’m greeted with every time I turn around after washing my hands. Lexi stalks me into the bathroom all the time.
On Sunday, we did fun errands like laundry. We were going to do them on Saturday but we weren’t expecting lunch to be so long. After laundry we went to Costco, and like I have every time I’ve been there since we decided what to do with our massive tax refund, we went to look at the tvs. And bought one. So now we have a 32" flat screen instead of the 20" big boxy thing we used to have. Jake was excessively giddy all day because of that purchase. We’ll both be uber-giddy when we get it set up. We are waiting for the DVD player we ordered from Amazon to show up (our box-tv has a dvd player as part of it so we needed a new one) before we hook it up, so we can keep watching Nip/Tuck dvds in the meantime. Tv shall look so lovely on our little entertainment stand we got from Ikea when Dad was here. Yay, new stuff!
I love the way the cats love bags.
We haven’t been doing much other than the occasional weekend fun. It’s too hot. I really don’t cope with heat well, the feeling of sweat about to break is the same feeling as about-to-faint and I just can’t get myself to push past that feeling so I haven’t been working out, we haven’t been going for walks… total lazy here. Doesn’t help that for the last week I haven’t been able to breathe through my nose and my mouth is dry and cracked from breathing through that. Fun!
The cats are still here obviously, and still being cute. On Sunday they had been here for 2 months. Still no deadline for their departure, which is lovely. I have 5000000 pictures of them being utterly adorable. The other day I woke up to all the cats snuggled up next to me, which made me feel extra loved because that was the first night of unable-to-breathe so it made me happy even though I was exhausted from not sleeping properly. Like every time they are cute and trapping me, I demanded Jake come and take a picture.
You have fuzzy stalkers. =)
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those cats are so adorable and I am excited about your new TV but mostly can’t wait to see you Sunday.
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Kitties are awesome!!! I kinda hope they’re still around in August so I can meet them… I like how they like bags. I call Felix the grocery inspector
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haha, the trapped-ness. i know it well. also, mine always follow me into the bathroom, though i have no idea why.
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Kitties! Charlie lays next to me when I try and sleep too.
One day I’ll try and get a picture. Yay new TV! ryn: Ooo stuff in Aus. Yeah I posted a video on the new Wii in my new entry. Go see it!
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The cats are so pretty. I’m jealous.
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Loving toilet kitty and plastic bag kitty. Classics!
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cuuuuuuteness! these are great pics.
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I am the world worst cat fan, detest them, but I love these bag pics … hahahaha, your cat amuses me!!
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Long cat! The ginger one is adorable! Lovely pictures =)
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ryn: Hehe No? Now I do?
and Oh okay let me know what you think of it. 
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Cat cuteness.
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RYN: I really don’t know what I want to do. Super-laziness is fairly excellent. So is baking. And kittens… I will ponder further and let you know if I come up with any ideas
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Yay for new tv and cutie kitties! :oD ~jo
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