He who swallows monkeys (with added bit!)
I called Jake this afternoon. That doesn’t happen much. (4th time ever I believe) Twas very much lovely. I miss talking to him like that. With the microphone over the puter, there’s always a delay, or the only time to talk is late at night and I’m right next to my parent’s bedroom and mum will wake up at the slightest noise, so that doesn’t happen much either.
I really miss the random conversations that aren’t really made up of words. And then when someone would walk in the room they thought we were absolutely crazy. Twas often people asked us if we had a secret language (amusing, but untrue)
So ya, 2 hours of talking to my Squidy. Love that I know how to get the phone to my room! Hopefully next time, I don’t accidentally disconnect the answering machine. Petie had to redo the message (and he got it done first try! That’s never happened before, normally I sit there for at least 10 minutes, laughing at him trying to come up with a message)
And I slept all afternoon after that, pretty much. Petie came home with a new phone. Said he could’ve gotten me one too but didn’t know what I would want. Seems I have to go with him at some point. But cool, new phone.
Spending pretty much all day in bed is quite a boring, tiring way to spend the day. Evil hayfever.
We had enchiladas for dinner. I had 3, then some dessert (‘creme rice’ – rice and egg and sultanas and sugar… dunno what other people would call it… that is my favourite dessert, has been since I was lil) and I’m still quite hungry. Silly not eating all day. I should be stuffed!
I’m gonna go food hunting now.
**this is the added bit** I’m 13 notes away from having 3000 notes. If you get the 3000th note, you get a surprise! =D
RYN: no, no hole in the armpit.. lol unless i have put one there with my night cuddlin it.. *sigh*
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Not long till you can talk to each other again – IN PERSON!! RYN: It is confusing lol, which is why I never used it much, but I bloody love it now haha ps. COME ONLINE! and get Jake to get his bum online too cuz I’ve never spoken to him!
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3000 notes? yikes.. thats alot i am only just past 2200 lol
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