He got loofah whiplash.
Last night, mum called us kids (Jake, Natey and I) to the back door. There was a cat sitting in the yard with it’s back to us, and it was looking rather Headbutt-esque. Once it turned around I could see it had different colouring than Headbutt, but from the back it was spookily similar.
<imagine a picture of the cat here>
The 3 of us went downstairs and patted the cat, and tried to call the cat to us using whatever names we could think of. It didn’t respond to any, but that is possibly because it was too busy hunting mice.
My feet are INSANELY itchy today. I got very eaten up by mozzies (mosquitos) while outside last night. But still, random cat encounter… awesome.
I used the shampoo from the hotel today… it smelled like apples and ham. Very weird and not something I want to be rubbing into my hair.
This evening, Natey has his Claire and his mate Russell over, so Jake and I are hanging out in our room watching movies from Matty’s collection on the awesomely huge tv at the foot of the bed. We just watched Stepbrothers, which was much more enjoyable than it was when we watched it on the airplane tvs a few years ago. After I write this entry and Jake writes one himself, we are going to watch something else, but I don’t know what yet. We have a select few to choose from, so whatever it is, it shall be awesome.
3.5 hours until midnight. I wish you all a happy new year, I hope 2011 kicks all kinds of ass for all of you.
Title: I threw a loofah at Natey (after he threw it at me) and because we were listening to the song ‘whiplash’ at that moment, he had to pretend to get hurt from the loofah. He’s so me.
I don’t think cats respond to names at the best of times. They respond to food and warmth
Happy new year! Another 13 hours for us.
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RYN: Really? Well then maybe he was cleverer than the cats I’ve seen
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Headbutt was an awesome cat. Yesterday’s cat was just cute.
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Happy New Year!
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Happy New Year!! LOL Well cats do have minds of thier own.
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Happy New Year! I giggled about ham shampoo… Yesterday we went to the beach and I only got sunburnt on my feet, but feet-burn is decidedly unpleasant. *nods*
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