haunted by the ghost of a burrito

Sponsor me for the Blogathon!

Time: 7:30am

Hours left: 1 and a half!

title: its what a bathroom could be haunted by… according to craig ferguson. He’s a great source of titles and giggles

Anyhoot… have been gathering information for the last hour. Coz it shall be interestings… hopefully not only to me.

My wrist is feeling a bit better. Guess it needed a rest

Jake is snoring. I am SO jealous.

my neck is starting to ache… which is a bit weird. its like its trying to cramp up but is too lazy…


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July 29, 2007

Hang in there.

July 29, 2007

HOrrible wallpaper. Hehe. It ws the 80s.

nearly there!!! -JC

July 29, 2007

You’re so close now you can do it 🙂

July 31, 2007

*pats Sez wrist* ;.;