Golden Cheese Pickles

Today was Hoj’s doctors appointment. Wha a sick baby he was. A sick, expensive baby. So glad I didn’t have to pay for it! (Yay for him not being my car yet!)

So coz the car was booked in under my name, the peoples called ME about extra costing things like brake pad and tires… So annoying that Petie answered the phone, knew who was calling and would’ve had a very good idea of why they were calling, and then walked off on me so I couldn’t ask him if he wanted to pay for all that!! So after saying yes to the stuff, I went and told him what they said and he was all "You didn’t say YES did you?!" …I just looked at him and walked off. Bah.

Matty took the Natey and I to KFC (under the proviso I paid for Natey and me). He is a mad driver. I knew he was, but… I didn’t expect him to go down the GIANT steep hill on Ryans Rd with no brakes on at all. Twas very fast and very ear pain and very hard to stop myself from freaking out. Oh well, it’s his car. And if he killed us he’d have to live with that guilt, so ya. Ooh… the smoky bbq twister thing, I couldn’t eat it all. I should’ve trusted Natey, it tastes quite funkified after a while.

Went to bed this afternoon (had no choice, couldn’t move – oh joyous crampyness) and woke up at 7 to Matty saying very loudly to Skye (his girlfriend) that there was no one home and he was confused. I was quite confused too… coz there was a Hoj, but no mummy car, and no anyone else. I thought maybe mum wasn’t home yet and Petie had taken Natey to Claire’s house, but it didn’t add up.

I had bread and butter pudding for dinner. Good crap on a stick it was insanely sweet!! Like eating a giant tub of sugar that has the texture of soggy bread. Mmm… sultanas and apricot jam… yummy. I had to have some coke after because that was less sugary than the dinner. DINNER! heh

I was watching Big Brother before (Petie was using puter and leaving an oh-so-pleasant ass smell for me to enjoy when he left the room) and GAH!! The new housemates are annoying. The second girl was anyway. Just sitting there talking to Gretel and I wanted to reach into the screen and slap her for annoying me so! Or something like that. Yes, my plan to completely avoid all things BB this year haven’t worked at all, silly us eating dinner at 7pm in front of the tv every night. (I haven’t seen our dining table without junk on it in… well… probably about as long as we’ve had it!)

My Sapphy has an OD! *bounces* That made me very happy to discover, because I don’t get to speak to her all that much anymore (hardly ever) and that bites but… if she keeps up her OD then w00tage. Aye, w00tage.

Next week sometime the Hoj has to go back to the Hoj doctor to get his engine pulled apart. Something about a low compressed cylinder or something. Yeah, so that’ll be about a week without the car. Not that I mind, but I don’t particularly like relying on people for rides. At least its to be done now, when both Petie and I are off from uni and I don’t have exams till the 20th/21st of June.

My feet are aching like I’m being impatient and waiting for something. The rest of me is aching because it wants to. Bam, I just went for a walk to the bathroom and my ankle kept rolling, always fun to walk on the side of the foot when you don’t mean to.

There is a giant spider in the bathroom, a huntsman. Right on the ceiling so its really obvious when you walk in. It was ok when there was one on the ceiling in the kitchen, it was out of the way and it seemed friendly. This one just seems massive and scary lol. It freaks Skye out more than me, so that’s nice. It’s always good to have people that are scareder of some things than you, coz that way you feel less silly.

Squidy has got me addicted to the helicopter game again. It’s taken me a few hours to write this entry coz I keep playing it lol. I got almost 4000 before, which made me go "ooooh" coz I’ve never gotten better than 2000. =D

That reminds me, last night mum was being weird and amusing. At one point she came down to the study and was all "I think I’m snoring. I can hear loud noises, so loud they must be in my head!" and then every time Petie made more snoring noises (the study where this computer is is RIGHT NEXT TO parents bedroom) she said "there I go, snoring in my head again" …my mummy is amusement. =D

I think I’m gonna pass out if I stay sitting up for too much longer. So thats the end of that chapter! *suavely tosses scarf over shoulder and walks into the distance…*

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June 1, 2005

HAHAHAH i had so many things to choose to note but i have chosen one: Vesna, the 2nd new housemate, the crappy one: CAPRICORN!!!! Booh yeah! I can’t stand her. Can’t wait til shes nominated cos im gonna buy lots and lots of credit and just send constant sms’s to get rid of her lol

June 1, 2005

Squido got me hooked on the copter game too! *shakes fist* 🙂 Sounds like kwazy things are happening! I hope everything turns out! *huggles* Keep smiling hun! 🙂 @}–}——-