gingerbread house pictures

I still have my ridiculous cough. It is annoying because the majority of the time it is just a dry annoying cough and there is nothing to stop it. At least when it was phlegmy I had a goal – get this gross out. Now… blah. Laying down is the worst so I haven’t been able to sleep much for the last few nights. Jake and Ashley don’t even stir so that’s good.

Speaking of ridiculous, holy minestrone is it cold lately. Right now it is 9:30pm, 8F (-13C) and just… yeah. It got to 11F (-11C) today. Overnight low tonight is apparently going to be -9F (-23C) …I just can’t wrap my brain around weather this cold. Yesterday it was in the 20s I think… Ashley was desperate to go outside so we super rugged up and went out for a bit. Just taking my glove off so I could take a quick picture of her playing was too much and made my hand ache from the cold. It is crazy. I’m looking forward to Sunday. Above freezing during the day and night, apparently! WOO!

And now, I owe my Mum some photos.


This is the gingerbread house Ashley and I decorated that came from a kit. Jake needed to decorate it for a competition or something at work, so I did it for him because he didn’t want to. The icing and the candy, so I imagine the house itself also, tasted horrible. Ashley told me what colours to use. The only thing she actually did was put the red dot in the middle of one side of the roof (picture 3). In the last picture, the "snow piled up against the back door" looks really kinda gross.


And this is the house that I made completely and totally from scratch. Not as perfectly constructed, but every molecule was delicious and that is the best part! The great thing about the pieces not being exact was that I had to use lots of icing to make them stick, and that meant there were giant globs of icing ready for us to eat! I think my favourite side is the rabbits eating the grass around the Christmas tree while a moose watches on.
And my Christmas nails. I also did silver nails with a purple tree but of course I didn’t photograph that.

And… that’s all I have to say today.

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January 4, 2014

Wow, you are very artistic and very clever. Thank you for sharing these photos. Love your nails too! *giant huggles of supersquish*

January 4, 2014

so cute