Every Parade Needs One Of These

You know you are jealous of the man in a duck suit on a segway that was featured in our cute little town’s memorial day parade. There was also a lion, but he was on foot and therefore not at all exciting.

Today has been rather lovely. A touch on the humid side, but still nice. Probably because I had lots of playing to do in the kitchen, which I often enjoy. We (mostly me, but Jake helped with the caramel stirring that took forever) made a caramel slice for us to take to dinner tomorrow. The base worked perfectly. The caramel took forever to get caramelly and then I gave up and just ended up blotting the butter that was pooling as it cooled. However… it needed a chocolatey drizzle on top. And this is where we had massive amounts of issues. Both our semi-sweet and white chocolates seized up like stupid blobs of stupid. Humidity – it is evil. The semi-sweet chocolate we added some water to and it is now a chocolate sauce that we can use for something. The white chocolate, I squished that into a VERY well-lubed dinosaur container. Stupid thing still got stuck though, so now I have a broken dinosaur to eat. Pretty tasty.

I also made yummy curry turkey burgers with lots of spinach in them. Mmm…

I loved watching this little patriotic cutie. It was skipping all the way. Totally looked like a living My Little Pony.

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May 30, 2010

Ahh, just looked up segway personal transporter. Nothing at all to do with segue. You are never to old to learn new words!!!!

I’d love to hear the recipe for the curry turkey burgers!

May 30, 2010
May 30, 2010

That is awesome. I haven’t had a turkey sandwich like that. I should try it. 🙂

You should see diamond creek pet expo early in the morning, they have a type competition for miniature ponies, they all have to run around in a circle strutting their stuff and have REALLY long manes and tails 🙂

May 31, 2010

Your parade looked awesome!

haha whenever i hear ‘curry turkey’ i think of bridget jones and her mother’s turkey curry buffet. heheh.

May 31, 2010

ryn: so do I, but I have been told that it is ‘too busy’ and not well composed.

That is absolutely hilarious.

May 31, 2010

OMG how cool! *hugs*

randomer! Curry turkey burgers sound ace!

June 5, 2010

Bawhawhawhawhawhawhaw! Duck on a segway! AWESOMESAUCE! ~jo

June 10, 2010

ajgklfjdls DUCKIE!!1!1!!!one! caramel sounds difficult. but mmmmm broken dinosaur. nomnomnom. I’m still crackin’ up at your high-on-meringue and leaf-obsession entry. homgfjdklsfjdls. YOU WERE ALMOST AS INSANE AS I AM NOW. does Sez still have such hilarious insanity in her? (neh I’m sure you still do, your entrees still make me smile in massively huge proportions.) Aawwww, pony!