Encased in alternating lines of colour

My little brother got engaged! Yay Natey and Claire!

Nothing much else to write about, just had to have an entry with this very important development.

I love having warmth. And having a lovely husband who puts the heater on when he wakes up so I don’t have to wake up to a freezing cold apartment. Very sweet.

I ordered a rather awesome poster on Amazon today. Even more awesome, totally free. I do my internet searching on a special website so I get points and those points have now been changed into amazon gift cards and now yay free stuff. Free things make me very happy.

There is not enough chocolatey goodness in this apartment right now.

title: I’m wearing a stripey shirt. i do not have odd stripey sausages with stripey casings, that would be weird. The only stripey foods I approve of are peppers and pasta. Although those are the only stripey foods I have encountered…

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Congrats to them!

October 19, 2009

Yay! Congrats to your brother.

October 19, 2009

Congratulations to them!

October 19, 2009

You don’t have enough chocolately goodness? Come to me! I have Dove Dark Chocolate. And cookies. 🙂 Bring the Jakeness too. 🙂 ~L

October 19, 2009

yay thats so exciting! congrats natey and claire 😀 i’m so jealous its cold there!

October 19, 2009

Yay! Congrats to Natey and Claire!~jo

“very important development” makes you sound like a news reader lol

Since I haven’t been able to eat chocolate, I had a dream last night that I ate a ton of it. D: Congrats to heat and brother engagingness! *

congrats to your brother 🙂

October 20, 2009


Ooooh congrats to them!!!!

YUM stripey pasta yay for your brother 😀 <3

October 21, 2009

I had to think for a minute what Natey’s real name is. Hehe. He is totally Natey.

October 24, 2009

What’s the website for the Amazon goodness?