Eddie Izzard IS the MilkMan!
Today I have been… bolding a buttload of titles. To make them obvious as picture-holders when flipping through the front page. I’m about halfway through, I think I passed through 900 entries today. Not all needing bolding, of course.
The bluies have the texture of… well they are kind of like a giantly thick cookie, cooked rare. They have a cooked, crunchyish crust, and the inside is all… like raw cookie. In a good way, but it very much emphasises their blue playdough appearance.
I had a good ol laughing fit this evening. We were watching Wednesday’s Craig Ferguson, which had Eddie Izzard on it. Which I REALLY suggest you watch. Part 1 and Part 2. Those two are awesome together, it was just great. I have to watch it again, I missed some through my laughing.
Oh, and the other cool thing from that show, the last few weeks, every Wed they have the Big Brother host lady on and they talk to the house, today as soon as they started talking to the house… STATIC!! Which ended AT THE END OF HER BEING ON THE SHOW!! So very awesome.
Jake had a massive pile of veggies for dinner. With some orange ginger sauce we picked up when we went looking for cous cous.
Ship, obviously ramen was not enough to hold down a multi vitamin. Nausea wave ahoy!
Tomorrow we are… doing stuff. A lot of stuff. I like seeing Lisa, but I hate these days of constant on the go doing things. Or sitting waiting for things to do, in the case of laundry. But we really need to do laundry, I have no clean underwear!
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hehee I’ll check out Craig Ferguson. Your entree title made me interested. mmmmmm I know hwo to make my own ginger sauce, but sans orange. I use lemon. and I LOVE couscous. <3 <3 Sezzie still sick?? ;.; *hugs* I hope food no longer comes up for you. ;.; GAAAAH! NO CLEAN UNDERWEAR! *panic!!!* playdough brownies. Sounds chewy. And not very pootastic.
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