Day in the Life – Thurs July 18

So I did a Day In The Life photo spree last Thursday. Yes, I’m slack in that I’m just posting it now, but I don’t think I’ve been on the computer since I last wrote an entry. ANYWAY. It is a day in the life of Sez and Ashley as they can’t go outside because it was too effin hot. So glad it has cooled down a touch, at least for a few days…

(EW! Skunk smell coming in from outside!)

What I see when I get up (Ash likes to wet the tray, wipe it, and lick her hand), and then Jake goes to work while Ash keeps me company for my breakfast.

Ash has some morning boob while we watch Elmo’s World (I am SO SICK of Elmo) and when she gets bored she blows raspberries on my knees and belly. Such a strange person I have made.

It is TOO HOT to go to the post office like planned, so we play with some fridge-cold water in a spray bottle before getting dressed time.

Dishes, story time, coffee (and the new pictures on the wall in the background) and then time to watch videos of ‘the baby’ on my phone.

Jake comes home for lunch, so I clean while my loves consume. Ash is done by the time I’m done so she sits on me to brush her teeth.

My delicious quesadilla gets partially stolen. And then it is nap time. Which for me means an hour or so of being trapped on the bed, playing games and doing internet stuff on my phone.

Too hot to do anything but colour. Ashley loves that I coloured Elmo. Here is her artwork.

Dinner was sushi that I quickly ducked to the store to get. No photos of outside or of the food. I forgot!

After dinner it is shower time for me, then bath time for Ash. 9pm means baby fast asleep, milo and game time for me!


I don’t remember what this video is about, and it is too quiet on the camera for me to hear anything. It was taken right after nap.

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July 24, 2013

very cute entry. and boy did it get hot! 🙂

July 24, 2013

I clicked on the link for dishes and got a Fisher and Paykel ad for a dishwasher right before your photo appeared!! This is a lovely entry. I enjoyed watching Ashley tell you to say please. Made me laugh. *giant hugs*