Creepy golden chicken with a man-head.

Sponsor me for the blogathon! Raising money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation!

Time: 9:30pm

Hours left: 11.5

If you got married to your best guy friend, would you be happy? I am married to my best guy friend. And he was that before he was anything else. And I am insanely happy.

What did you do this afternoon? Go back and read, you’ll find out exactly what I did. 🙂

When was the last time you smiled? Just now, Jake called me awesome.

Can you use chopsticks? No. I need to get some so I can practice in the privacy of my own home.

Who was the last person you slept next to? Jake.

What do you order from taco bell? I have never ever been to taco bell. Oh wait, that’s a lie, I once went to a pizza hut/taco bell in New York. I didn’t eat anything, it smelled so bad in there.

Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for? Talking to him as I am answering this.

Do you remember what you were like a year ago? Only through my diary. This thing is like a time travel device.

Do you have unlimited texting? What’s the point? As I said earlier today, I have sent 7 messages in the past month.

Ever cried because of happiness? Yeah

Anything you’re giving up on? I don’t think so, I hope not.

Whose pool did you last swim in? I can’t remember the last time I went swimming. Before I met Jake…

Are you planning on throwing a party this summer? No. Parties are not my thing.

Which girl’s house was the last you spent the night at? Uhh…. Jenn’s. Years ago

What makes you laugh? Funny things. So many funny things, I wish I could be more specific.

How was last week? Pretty crappy

What could you go for right this second? Sleep. Something delicious refreshing and sweet. A beverage.

What are your plans for the morning? SLEEP. At least, once it is past 9am.

Do you like certain romantic cliches? I don’t know, I can’t think of any at this point in time.

Where is your best friend at this exact moment? A bit to my left, he’s playing Zelda on the Wii.

Do you have a ceiling fan located in your room? Nopes! There is nothing on the ceilings, not even lights.

What is the worst thing that has happened to you lately? To me personally? Hmm… I’m not really sure. And that’s a good thing

What sounds are you currently hearing?  The air conditioners are humming away. I’ll probably leave it on all night, just to keep me cold enough to stay awake

Have you told anybody you loved them today? Many times to many peoples.

Do you miss anyone? Always and forever

Are you growing apart from someone close? I certainly hope not

Where was your default pic taken? On my bed in the old apartment

Have you ever liked anyone on your top friends? Jake

How much are you on the phone daily? Rarely if ever

Are you in a good mood? Sure, I’m raising moneys for charity. How could I be in a crappy mood?

Have you ever been in love? I am deeply in love right now

Do you love your life? It’s a pretty good life, that’s for sure

Do your parents like your number one? My parents love my husband very much, they all get along amazingly well. And that makes me so happy

Who do you trust with EVERYTHING? Jake, definitely.

What will you be doing in 3 hours? This! But… even more incoherantly.

What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping.

What is your background on your phone? Fishies in a bowl. It came with the phone

Where is your favorite place to shop? Umm… somewhere where there is delicious.

What is your favorite thing to wear? My purple fluffy turtleneck with the flared sleeves. It’s AWESOME and snuggle-tastic.

Do you think you are a good driver? I think so, yeah. I used to get told so all the time.

Could you go a day without eating? Have done.

Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone? Umm… some lady from Charter trying to get us to get telephone service.

Were you happy when you woke up today? I was a little unhappy by how early I woke up, but other than that I was great.

Are you ticklish? YES!

First thing you do when you wake up? Go pee.

What’s on your bedroom floor right now? Some clothes. There are always some clothes.. I generally don’t wear clothes, so when I do, it’s not for long, so I wear them repeatedly until we go to the laundromat. Jake goes through MASSIVE amounts of clothing in 2 weeks so I limit my clothes pile to make it about even.

What’re you listening to? Nothing, Silence. It is lovely

Ever talked to someone that was drunk? Yeah

Do you trust people easily? I do.

Do any of your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? Many of them do. I have one pair that has a crotch hole. Why do I still have them??

How many pillows on your bed? 4

Are you single? Not at all!

Do you have a crush on someone? Hubby-face, he’s rather crush-worthy.

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You’re halfway there! 😀

July 25, 2009
July 25, 2009

I’m getting so close to just posting a few of these up myself… lol Might even swipe this one!

July 25, 2009

Aren’t you going to host a Thanksgiving ‘party’?

July 25, 2009

AWWWWWWW! very sweet survey! 🙂