This town really seems to like to RAIN on Wednesdays, when the farmer’s market is here. So that’s saddening. I was really looking forward to stocking up on veggies but for the entire time it was open (3-6) it was POURING and there was thunder as well so really not something I even wanted to drive in to see if it was open. Might have to find the town hall in the next town over, they have the farmer’s market tomorrow…
Other than that excitement, nothing much going on. I had a package waiting for me at the post office, and the guy at the counter commented on me missing someone. Jake and I always seem to go there together so when we don’t they really notice. The package was a tshirt – earlier than I was expecting it so that’s nice. And it fits! I don’t have a photo yet, because it STANK. New clothes are gross stenching.
So many good things are happening in my OD friends’ lives and that really makes me smile.
My title is a word Jake used the other day. When I asked him what it meant, he said "soft bristles." Which is awesome and true. That was a word I would use to describe my grandmother’s hair many many years ago, and mum never knew what it meant. The other half of my brain did, he was surprised when I told him child-Sez used that word. 🙂 Gotta love brainmateyness!!
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Hooray for fun mail!
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That’s so cute that you use the same word! I hate the smell of new clothes, like glue or something!
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Brussly is a great word! Lee Mee xXx
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WOW!!! Is it actually a word? Must google it.
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Rain is great, but soo annoying when it’s on at a time where you had something fun planned!
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