Baby progress

Ashley is growing up too fast.

Her new favourite thing – started last night – is when I sit her up, resting on my legs, facing me. She grabs my hands and pulls herself into a more upright position and looks so proud of herself! Her neck has always been strong but now it’s also stable.

I swear she can say a few words. Mama, hunger, woo and ow. Sure, those last two are just sounds, but she uses them appropriately. When she hits the big rattle on her playmat, I have always said "woo!" or "yay!" and now she does too. Not all the time though.

Right now she’s sitting up in my arms, asleep. She fell asleep while I read "The Three Little Pigs". She wanted to look at the pictures. It’s a pity I’m trapped, I don’t need a nap today (we got up at 11:30) and have things to do. Nothing more important than baby snuggles.

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I swear OD babies grow up faster than other babies. In the same way OD pregnancies go super fast. Must be a weird OD quirk 🙂

April 21, 2012

What a clever little girl.

April 22, 2012

So big!!!! 🙂

April 22, 2012

I’m into hour 2 of entrapment right now. Cutest hostage-takers ever! :oD ~jo