So here are those questions I’ve been asked. There’s a lot of them!! Heheh… I combined the questions from both my diaries, asked in both in order to gather more qs! Mmm… it worked… So ya. ANSWERS!!
Zeherah’s Death
Why are pirates so nutritious? Because they spend all day eating their space eye patches and the wooden legs of all their food. Yes, they don’t eat chicken, they eat the chicken’s wooden legs! And that is the epitome of nutrition! So it makes eating pirates a very nutritious meal.
Is it illegal to marry/have relations with a seamonkey? Sadly in this state it is, so if you wish to do so you have to shrink yourself to seamonkey size and live in one of those carpy tank things. The alternative is to go to Egypt because there it’s legal to do anything with a seamonkey! Mmm… egyptain seamonkies.
How long will it take you to get sick of me ranting about pirates/jews/Nightwish concert? 😀 Iuo yet, but I think it’ll be obvious coz I’ll start ranting about something myself? hmmm… but what… eyelids? nah…too normal… ANKLE LIDS! mmm… always wanted a lid on my ankle.
Do you know how much I love you? Is it as much as piglets like to climb trees and throw penguins at pies? Coz we ALL know how much that is!! And that’s how much I loves you. =D
1) When Malcolm becomes a celebrity should he buy a lotus or a vespa? (he thinks its a VERY important question)Personally, I think Malcolm should save his money and buy a Heffalump to be his main transport. Heffalumps have all the top features: comfy seating, storage room, cruise control, a slide to exit via, EVERYTHING Malcolm could ever need. Heffalump
2) where did my 25 dollars actually dissapear to? And is it a similar phenomena to the one sock in washing machine theory? Your magically disappearing $25 was in fact MAGICAL. It grew legs just the other day and went for a walk, but got lost. And because it left it’s mobile in your room, and has no change for the payphone, and it can’t remember the numbers to dial 1800reverse, it has no way of finding it’s way home again. This is different to the missing socks. Those "missing" socks get sucked into a parallel dimension where the washing machine is the most wonderful place a sock could ever imagine, so they never want to leave. And it’s VERY exclusive, only right socks are allowed in (although sometimes left socks masquerade as right ones just to make it to the marvellous place).
3) and when is my bloody book getting launched?? grrrrr. I hope u can answer this. This question is as unanswerable as the question of why Petie puts shoes on sometimes to make a phone call.
should I move to Sydney? give me a good reason or many even, why I shouldn’t… No you shouldn’t. 1: I’d miss you WAAAY too much. 2: You’d miss me too! Cmon, you miss me after 2 days! What would you do if you lived in another state! 3: I had a third, but my mouth just started burning from the chilli chips. mmm…tim tams.
1)wat part of Oz do u come from? Lovely Melbourne with it’s random ham weather. Mmm… ham.
2)wat is the opposite of howdy? Piss off. =D Isn’t that it? Hmm…
3)wat do native american indians scalp ppl? Wow… A question I cannot think of anything to answer with.
4)do u like monty pythons? My brain just died and all quotes that could possibly be said here have been replaced by a line from a song "you’re just another slice of cheese"…crazy songs about cheese. 😀 lol
And now, the questions that were asked of my alter-ego-diary, Cheesy.
numero uno: have you ever been really really hyper, then suddenly gotten so horny you thought you couldnt take it? Nah, whenever I get REALLY REALLY REALLY hyper it always results in my just collapsing asleep… heheheheheee…. penguins.
question B: have you ever been naked in a public place when you shouldnt have been, i.e family party? No, not even as a small child! :O
and No. 3: do you own any sex toys/dildos/body paint? I could ramble but I’m getting lazy. Simple answer is no.
Zeherah’s Death
Who is the ruler of the forest? Professor Von Possum Breath. He scratches the armpits of all those with crazy itches that cannot be scratched because if someone scratches their own armpit there is a chance they will appear to be doing a monkey impression.
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000
000″ size=”2″>Squeak squeaken squeaker? Where’s my acorn biatch?!
Why are hobbits so gay? It’s all that hair, they think it makes them so sexy! …and there is the lack of chicks a lot… mmm…chicken… *craves kfc* I HAVE A HOJU!!! *zoom*
When will I grow a curly beard? It will take some patience my dear, but when you get a older and you start to grow facial hair, you need to cultivate it, curl it day and night for 1000 days (and nights). Also, if you can find a very gay guy with Steve Irwin hair and eyebrows that keep trying to join together, your chances of a successful curly beard should greatly improve!
Have you ever been so shocked by something that you didn’t think the same way about it again? Last night I saw the preview for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It scared me so much with it’s creepiness and all the singing dolls and such that… It just scared me. Johnny Depp was CREEPY.
what verb best describes your left nostril? crooked. It’s too far right.
Do you believe in life on other planets? Of course I do. There is no way that there are as many solar systems, planets and whatnot out there in the infinitely big universe and we are the only forms of life.
Describe your left foot Covered in a sock that is mint coloured. Mmm mint. Very talented foot, can pick things up off the ground, can turn door knobs, can do many kewl things.
And finally, green beans or baked beans? mmm…. no! I want pumpkin! PUMPKIN!!!!!
vapid bosom
if you could have a tattoo of anything, what color would it be? Black. I’m just not sure if I REALLY want the tattoos I want, so I haven’t got em yet.
what type of razor does your mom use? I honestly have no clue! I think she might use dad’s beard trimmer thing on her legs LOL
do you enjoy the taste of grass? No, too gross-vegetable tasting for me. I prefer things that don’t taste… like they came from the ground. Urk, dirt tasting.
im leaving a note 😉 u rock ANNNND i love you… I’ll be sure to tell malcolm bout his money.. now he is a celebrity + now ooohhh…malcolm in sunnies.
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