Achy sleepy moonwalking

We had a pretty incredibly busy weekend. At least, for us it was. Our weekends usually involve at least one day of doing absolutely nothing, the other day being half nothing.

Saturday morning we headed off and did laundry. I am so sick of having to go to a laundromat. One day we won’t have to anymore and that shall be such a lovely day. It was incredibly uncrowded this time, the majority of the people there were children. Lots of babies… we were just surrounded by cuteness the whole time.

After the 2-3 hours it takes to clean and dry and fold everything (I don’t know how long it takes, I’m mostly guessing… it is a long time though. Ooh I smell shortbread!) we headed over to Target. Well, to the Subway next to Target. Mmm, food. That is my favourite part of laundry day, we get to share a sub for lunch afterwards. Tasty food!

At Target we wandered around, looking at and touching all the stuff in the baby section. We didn’t buy anything (other than a big sealable bucket/tub/thing to store miscellaneous baby things in for now) but it was just so nice to know we’ll need stuff like that soon.

(My feet must think I’ve been sleeping. I just walked to the kitchen and my feet ached in a way they only do when I get up from sleeping. I swear my feet shift and change shape slightly overnight, every morning the walk to the bathroom hurts in such an odd way. Either I forget how to walk, or my feet forget how to be walked on. How does that even work?)

After a big boring trip to Costco (and a poorly made decaf caramel frappuccino – it seperated before I even got a sip!) we went home because I was tired. And also because I was lazy and hadn’t written the grocery list so we couldn’t get our grocery shopping out of the way. We did that after dinner. So even though we got a few hours of relaxing at home, we weren’t done for the day until 8pm. And that is just too long of a day!

Sunday morning, Jake went off with his coworker friends to Lake Compounce, where he had lots of fun on rides and ate delicious sounding chicken tenders and fries. I stayed home and planned to clean, but I was too exhausted to do much. We had stayed up past 1am, and got up before 9, and that is too little sleep for pregnant Sezzie. That is barely enough sleep for regular me. 8 and a half hours is my preferred amount, less than 7 and a half is unacceptable. So instead of loads of cleaning, I did a bit here and there, and spent a lot of time on the couch with snuggly kitties that were constantly demanding more snuggle time. Which is never a bad thing.

Jake got home at about 4:30, I think it was. Not long after I had a shower (I was so glad he didn’t come home while I was in the shower, he didn’t have his keys on him and I didn’t want to have him locked out!). He got clean, we shared a bowl of delicious sweet potato fries that were covered in spicy chipotle flavour… mmm… and then Jake’s Dad called at 5:30 to find out if we could have dinner with him. We could have gone over to hang with Jake’s Mum’s side of the family (all the siblings and stuff, good people) but Jake hadn’t seen his dad since we found out we were pregnant (although we had seen him when I was 5 weeks along, we just didn’t know it) so he wanted to see him instead. Also, Gale (Jake’s Dad) doesn’t live in this state, so seeing him when we can gets a higher ranking or something. (I think I’m just rambling now.)

Dinner was to be at 8, but I couldn’t last that long so it was planned for 7 instead. Takeout at Diana’s place. So we got there at… 6:30. Food was ordered, but somehow wasn’t picked up and brought back until 7:30. I was SO HUNGRY. (Dinner for me is generally… 5-5:30. That’s why we ate the pile of chips) There was our nieces Isabelle and Kassandra (3 and 1 years old) so they were adorable and fun to watch/talk to/spend time with. Kassie liked to wander over to us and give us her toys, and then demand them back. Towards the end of the evening, she also liked climbing all over Jake. Izzy wouldn’t stop asking me questions (why do you have rings not on your fingers? Why can’t I hold the baby’s hand? Why pineapple on the pizza? Why are you wearing socks? Why don’t your shirt and pants match? Why is she (the baby) crying?) which was adorable and I loved coming up with answers when I could understand her. She also loved lifting up my shirt and trying to find the baby, or trying to reach through my belly button to the baby. SO CUTE!

She kept asking why the baby was crying because she’d jump up on my lap and press on my belly to get into a different position, which was quickly stopped each time because ‘you might hurt the baby’. She stopped as soon as I explained that her pushing my belly like that was like someone popping a balloon in her face. (earlier in the evening she was getting repeatedly freaked out by her dad (Andrew, Diana’s husband) popping baloons and laughing (that guy is more than a touch of asshole. I don’t want to immortalise his actions with my words in this diary, but while most people were out, he was being… assholey towards Izzy and the kitten, Pinky)) Then it just became belly pats and "Why does she cry? Because of balloons?"

AND AND there was a 12 week old kitten named Pinky who was adorable and tiny and just tiny. I’ve never had a kitten, only full grown cats, so seeing a kitten running around being tiny for a few hours was just so cute.

My dinner was a small hawaiian pizza (that I finished off for breakfast today. I ADORE pizza) and it was just so yummy and yummy and good. (oh wait, I still have 1 slice left YAY). Jake had some eggy thing from the chinese place. Nancy was being really sweet to me (this is the woman Jake refers to as ‘the devil’, and if you know/read Jake, you understand the strength of that statement) all evening, but especially at dinner when she poured my drink and got me plates and a napkin and such. It was… kind of weird. She also gave me 2 books that I haven’t looked through yet so all I know is they are about raising children.

So we missed out on spending time with the side of the family we prefer/know better, we had a decent enough evening. Time with cute kids and a kitty. Tasty food. Jake got to spend at least half an hour alone with just his Dad (which has never happened in the time I’ve known him) so even though there was at one point 14 people in a tiny lounge room, something that is words to end this sentence and thought.

Did you know it is a week and a half until Jake gets to hear the baby’s heartbeat (I heard it weeks ago haha Jake)?
Did you know it is 2 weeks until my Ellen comes to visit? (YAY!)
Did you know I am sleepy and going to go nap on the couch until Jake comes home and we can go for a walk? (My piriformis doesn’t hurt anymore, so I have no excuse not to exercise…)

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Did you know that some people don’t even like Hawaiian pizza?!?! It’s true! They’re all crazy! 😛

The cat picture made me laughy smiley, which are both good ways to… be.

August 8, 2011

I miss Target. I think the closest one around here is three hours away. It’s a travesty, I know. I LOVE baby kittens!! My cat escaped the house once before I had the chance to spay her and came back knocked up. She had FIVE babies and I was so sad when we had to adopt them out…but as we all know, kittens quickly become cats. Cats with veterinary bills. Expensive bills.

Target is one of my favorite things ever. I could spend ALL DAY there.

August 8, 2011

I am glad Gale got to see you both although i prefer to see you. I am excited to hear the baby and see you both. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

your cartilage expands overnight because your body isn’t crushing it by standing up. That could be why your feet feel weird. It also means you’re slightly taller in the morning

August 9, 2011

RYN: extra punctuation is always good.!”; hehehe

I don’t put butter on them, I use margarine. I put the margarine directly onto the bread(not too much!) and that way you don’t waste any. ^_^

August 10, 2011

Thank you for your note :o) x

“Did you know ants suck? If you didn’t know, consider this your education.” Haha! made me laugh again, this did. 🙂

and i meant bread, not toast. what rhymes with toast? boo! a ghost! lol im 13 years old. well that’s the numbers of my real age switched around. I’m writing this astrology stuff, its fun but when you’re been at it for four hours a day or more it’s no fun. 😛

August 11, 2011

ryn: I know! Much easier to do than an entire day for a DITL. Dinner with Gale sounds like it went well! I love the colours on that kitty btw!

August 12, 2011

ryn: typo! Meant to be four. You know when you have multiple words going on in your head, possibly some that have nothing to do with what you actually want to say? And you end up putting the wrong thing in? Yep. Right there! =P