New Mexico: Week Twenty Seven

Finally: the victory lap – too bad it does not feel like it.

I figured that now when the season was practically dead and over that I would get a chance to pack my things up and organize before I trekked on to Wichita, but it seems like that won’t be happening. Since there is no business there is no point in paying hourlies when there are two salaried people here, so goodbye front desk people! Talk about an abrupt departure, I wasn’t even home for a full day and I got slapped in the face with those news, on top of the monthly stress of inventory, now I have this. I’m pretty much almost working every day up till my last day, which is the 14th.

This throws a serious wrench into my cleaning time as I have nothing clean to wear and zero time to do laundry unless I do it after work, in pitch dark with 40 degree weather… thanks but no thanks, I guess I’m going to have to shell out some cash money to pay the housekeepers to do it for me one last time.

Did I mention before that I had already bought my plane ticket home? It seems pretty ridiculous that I’ve been flying all over the place the last 2 months, but it’s been fun, I got to see good friends and have a great time. Dallas was especially fun, Interpol was pretty sick and now that I remember, I need to download some White Rabbits, they opened for Interpol and were pretty good themselves… I did some David Bowie karaoke at a gay bar and forgot how much I loved singing and how nervous it made me to do it in public… try being judged in a room full of gays… not pretty. I caught up with my former best friend and left that experience convinced that our friendship is not the same, nor ever will be as it used to be. Met up with some girlfriends from Manhattan at a rad bar called Barcadia – so much fun! I shopped for a costume and went to the block party and had a ton of fun. The people I was with definitely made my vacation super fun. I met some new faces and I’m very much wanting to go back to Texas for New Years… methinks it will be fun!

I have to do the same 6am road trip, train ride and bus to the airport on the 15th just so I can get to Manhattan at 330 – my advisor appointment is the following afternoon – excited to get my shit back on track – although I’m unsure of what I want to do AGAIN, I wish life came with a manual sometimes, but what fun is that? These last 28 years I would definitetly not trade in for anything else.


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