Wow a update!

Wow I am writing in here again, it has been long enough, but I haven’t really had time to write, and sometimes I do I just don’t. Not many people read my dairy so I guess it doesn’t matter. Anyway, I have been going out my mind, ever since me and Josh broke up I just can’t stop thinking about the sex we had. I could always get it again from him, but that wouldn’t be the right thing to do. After all he wants me back, and if we do something he may think that I want him back, and to tell you the truth I don’t. Not after what he did to me anyway.

I haven’t talked to him about it yet, I know I should, not I just haven’t seem him much for one, and when I do I just don’t want to get in to that. I have been so horny and I don’t even have anyone I can have fun with. I can’t even find someone who is good enough to cyber with just to have a little fun that way. I do always have diary who write stories. I also have my hands, but that can get kind of boreding when you want more then a hand.

I want someone who will just let me have my way and have the fun I want, and not have to worry about if we are together or not. That is not easy to find, and if I do who knows if I will want it. You never know what someone has, and if you ask you don’t know for sure if they are telling you the truth or not. I don’t know what I am going to say in here, all I can think about is sex right now.

I could always so and have a little fun myself, and I think I just may before I have to go to work. Just make sure I have more then one orgasm, that will make my day a little. Well I am going to go have my fun now, just wish someone was here to help!

Have your own fun when you can, it does help!

Want Some Sexual Pleasures

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*see’s i am on yoru front page, smiles widely. you need to leave me your sn baby so we can chat

tell you what i’ll put up another story when you give me your sn

ok for some reason i can’t leave you a private note so i don’t wanna just put my sn on your diary page so tell me your email address and i’ll email you my sn, expect an update sometime tomorrow