One Great Night!

I did something the other day that I never did before, and didn’t think I ever would do, but it was fun I have to say that. I went out with some friends to a club and I just have to say I looked damn good going to. I had on my black skirt that went down half way to my knees and my red shirt that came down kind of low in the front, but not low enough to see anything, plus I had my high heal boots on that came up to my knees almost…..Anyway….

When we walked in so many guys turned and looked at us, we even had some girls look twice at us. 🙂 We went up to the bar and got a drink, we were even there for 20 mins before two guys came up to us and asked to buy us a drink, we let them. We talked with them for a while….let me just say DAMN they were hot as hell!!! I started flirting with the guy that was talking to me more so and he did the same back, he was rubbing my leg a little why I touched his chest some…. damn he had a nice ass chest….

Before I go on let me just say that it has been a while since I got anything, so I was horny as hell, more so then normal…..anyway… He starting whispering in my ear about how hot I looked and how he would love to kiss me and stuff, so I turned to him and kissed him on the lips, then he started kissing me back.He were making out for a little while then I said in his ear why don’t we find someplace with less people or no people at all.He was ok with that.

I told my friend that I was leaving, well come to find out that the two guys that came over were room mates, so we told them we would drive behind them.We went to there place, and once we got in the house me and my guy started kissing again, god I was so horny I didn’t came that my friend was there, but the way she was she didn’t care either because I saw them two at it as well. We didn’t make it to the room really, we started taking off each others clothes and touching everywhere and anywhere we could.

I was loving it, then he comes out and asks me if I like a S&M or teasing and stuff, I was like oh hell yea. So he had my friend and his roommate come over to where we were and he asked my frined the same thing, she is like me so he was ok cool. He got out some thing to tie up people and said for my friend to tie me up why he tied up his roommate.then he was like the two who are tied up has to do as we say….

My friend love this idea… so she started to run her hands over my leg and the other guys leg…(we were side by side) the guy who wants tied up started to kiss my other leg telling me not to move. So i tried my best not to move and boy was it hard. My friend started to suck on my nipple a little then stopped to go and suck on the other guys nipple…. telling him not to make a sound why her hand made its way down father.

Both of them were doing things to both me and him but not going all the way… there were teasing us so much I couldn’t take it, it was harder and harder not to move, but got was it so nice!!! They were going from one to the other… We got the idea that they were Bi like us… hehe it was great.I couldn’t cum for an hour and a half….. but when they let us cum god did we cum I came like 5 times in no time.

We did get them back though…. we got them just as good as they got us, then we had some more fun after all that… The only thing is we never said are names and never got or gave a number…. now I wish we did. I never did a one time thing before, but god was it great. I needed it to, because doing it your self just isn’t enough at times.

I am so tired right now I can’t even see good, so I guess I shall go to bed now, just wanted to put this on here. Sorry if there are misspelled words, but im not going to reread this now.

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December 11, 2004

OH MY…..*wolfish grin* Sounds like you and your gal pal had some fun….. RYN: well beloved I have been a collector of black and white erotica pics for about 3 years now…..I find them all over the place. I have well over 200 plus photos thus far. And all the pics I have on my diary are blends I make from my pics. @}~*~~

December 11, 2004

I made blends of some of the pics for my beloved xxxLUCYxxx diary as well as the.inferno diary. If you desire I will e-mail you a few pics I have….just tell me what you like and I will send some to you….. @}~*~~

December 12, 2004

That sounds awesome – I would have killed to have been there. Kind of risky letting yourself get tied up by a stranger, but exhillarating, I’m sure. Are you going to see these guys again?

I’m so jealuse! That must have been hot as hell. Awesome for you.

December 3, 2006

i…i think i need a towel…