Not much of an Update

I just thought I would update since I haven’t been on in a long time. Not much has been happening in mylife. Me and my ex are still friends, we do still takl, just not to much. I still love him, and it is hard not being with him, but there’s not much I can do about it after what has happened.

Anyway, that is in the past and I don’t want to relive it now. I don’t know what to say in here, my life is boring at this time. My job is even boring at this time so I don’t have anything to talk about. Well maybe next time I write in here I will have someone more to say.

There is one thing; there is this guy I saw at work, who is cute, that’s not all he is nice too. All the girls are talking about how nice he is and all, i was talking to Jenn and she told me that he saw me and started asking about me. I donno maybe something may happen, but isn’t it to soon? Oh well, I will see what happens.

Want SomeSexual`Pleasures

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October 29, 2003

I hear you, I hear you, I hear you. Maaan it can be so hard to make updates sometimes.

November 3, 2003

One day you’ll update again, I know it. 🙂