Me and Josh talked…..

Hey All, I am still alive if anyone cares. 🙂 I just got done undoing my private entries so that they aren’t private anymore, even those I’m not really doing my stories anymore, doesn’t mean people can’t read what I have, and maybe let me know how they are. I know I’m not that great at writing, but I do have fun when I do. Even though I don’t have time to do them, I may still end up doing a few at a time.

Anyway, enough about thatÂ… I havenÂ’t been up to much, but things have happened. I talked to Josh the other day and you would not believe what he talked to me about!

He said ”I miss you a lot and I can’t seem to think about anything but you, I know I did things to hurt you and I know I can’t ask you to forgive me right away, but I wanted to know if you could?” He has this weird look on his face as he was telling me all this, I was just looking at him to see if I could see anything that would tell me if he was joking or lying to me anyway… ”If you don’t think you can at all, then I wont say another thing about it, I just would like to know if you think you could forgive me?” I just stood there for a min looking at him, then I told him ” I really don’t know, you only not cheated on me one, but a couple time, so how can I know you wont do it again; this isn’t something I can just get over, maybe down the road I could, but I honestly don’t know if I could or not. Why do you ask?”

I had to ask why, even though I thought I knew why, I just had to make sure; you know what I mean? After I said that he almost started to cry and through the almost cry he said ”Because I wanted to know if we could get back together, I really miss you and I can’t help but think I am losing my soul mate. I was thinking if you could forgive me, that maybe you would be willing to give us another try. I don’t need an answer now, because I don’t this isn’t easy for you, but I just had to talk to you about it”

I told him I didnÂ’t think it would be a good idea and how I didnÂ’tÂ’ know if I really wanted to or not, I canÂ’t trust him, but I also told him I would think about it to make sure this is what I want. I canÂ’t believe he thinks I am his soul mateÂ… Oh boy just what I needed to hear when I was kind of thinking about looking on to someone elseÂ…. Well sorry to cut this off here, but it is late and I need to get up in the morning, I will tell you what happen later.

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